“Must watch” talk by a man who tells the truth, and was punished as a traitor for “doing the right thing”. “It’s Happening NOW! You Have Been Warned” | Edward Snowden 🛎️ For more mind-opening and motivation videos please subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2PkGNfI Order a copy of Edward Snowden’s […]
The video “What is the Great Reset?” is a bizarre piece of PR / propaganda. At face value, it appears to say “don’t worry about the Great Reset, we love you all very much”. However, through coercive words and powerful symbols, the message most people get is “we’re doing this […]
COVID, lockdowns, totalitarianism and runaway capitalism. Here’s a firsthand account of life in China form an American whose views on his own country were transformed. In this interview, we talked with Kevin, a California native who, in his words, went from an almond milk latte drinking millennial liberal who viewed […]
Embedded Telematics in new vehicles can and will be used to invade our privacy in ways that we are only just starting to understand. By MassPrivateI Gone are the days when insurance companies used race, sex and a person’s age to determine their auto insurance premiums. A new whitepaper by Cognizant, titled “The […]
That may sound far fetched, but read, absorb and research. Makeup your own mind! One thing is for sure; this “vaccine” is the subject of a LOT of hesitancy and resistance even among those who normally would be perfectly comfortable taking influenza shots etc. And they are right to be […]
Any attempts to question mainstream explanations about controversial events, which have been handed down from official government sources, are immediately attacked by most society members? March 9, 2021 NoFakeNews If you were to suggest other gunmen were involved in the murder of President John F. Kennedy, the people listening to […]
We all know politicians engage in propaganda. But most don’t admit it. Posted on March 7, 2021By Dr Muriel Newman Not so Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Desperate to avoid allegations of mismanagement over Auckland’s bungled lockdowns, she began lashing out, claiming individuals have been knowingly spreading the virus – including a young man who’d […]
The 2nd March is Theodor Seuss Geisel’s birthday, the author of the Dr Seuss books. It’s also ‘Read Across America Day.’ For many Americans, Read Across America Day is celebrated alongside Geisel’s birthday. From Red Sky in the Morning But Dr Seuss has fallen out of favour. This year Joe Biden, unlike […]
Lunacy of the Left: It may be satire, but it’s rather close to the truth. Dr. Seuss ring a bell..? The Babylon BeeThu, 17 Jun 2021 Activists are fighting racism by demanding that people of color be removed from all media, brands, logos, mascots, and anywhere else they might pop […]
The White House has continued its trend of shielding Joe Biden from scrutiny after suddenly cutting the feed of a virtual event after the president said he was “happy to take questions” from Democratic lawmakers. Mar 4, 2021 Sky News Australia 1.31M subscribers Uncensored News 2030 Agenda Deep State Agenda […]