Safe and effective, what do these words actually mean? Ester McVey, British MP,… Martin comments: The cowardly politicians who hid from this speech and can’t handle the facts obviously have a reason to be scared. like perhaps because they went along with something they knew was misleading and dishonest. […]

After viewing this video, many kiwis will be wondering how this was allowed to happen, were their relatives’ victims? And why it hasn’t stopped immediately? NZ Loyal’s Liz Gunn follows up on her pre-election M.O.A.R announcement. OIA Documents:– – Martin comments: Thanks Liz. Great to see you giving your […]

Netanyahu Actively “Cooperates” with Hamas, the Islamic State and Al Qaeda From Global Research For those who have doubts concerning the criminality and insidious role of Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government:   1. Netanyahu is on Record for Supporting and Financing Hamas Terrorists:   “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment […]

Things are moving fast, so here’s a selection of news items and information relevant to unfolding events as World War Three gears up. MH Biden to seek congressional support this week for billions in aid to Ukraine, Israel RFE/RLSun, 15 Oct 2023 White House national-security adviser Jake Sullivan said on […]

This is a “must read” article. Originally published in 2014, it is absolutely relevant to events unfolding in 2023 (more of which coming soon) and serves as a great back-story for the ‘plans-within-plans’ of the Ukraine and Gaza scenarios. MH Thanks to Brian Jewell for unearthing this gem! Posted on November […]

 Gaza a Psy-op? The globalists need a world war to cover up their COVID-19 genocide and to prevent Trump from winning in 2024. Albert Pike’s 1871 letter to Giuseppe Mazzini “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between […]

Palestinians have launched their biggest operation against Israel in years in a surprise offensive that combined fighters crossing the fence into Israeli occupied cities with a heavy barrage of rockets from the Gaza Strip. Press TV – Oct 7, 2023 Videos purportedly showed resistance fighters inside a military base on Saturday, as bodies […]

Update (1835ET): Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned residents of Gaza to “leave now, because we will operate forcefully everywhere.” BY TYLER DURDEN SUNDAY, OCT 08, 2023 – 11:35 AM Continued… “Hamas wants to murder us all. This is an enemy that murders children and mothers in their homes, in their […]

Home Ownership defines the middle class. More importantly, it’s been a way to build and secure generational wealth for ages. Remove the ability for people to buy their own home, and you effectively eliminate the middle class, leaving just the very rich, and the very poor. How They Plan to […]
