In June the U.S. Government Accountability Office released a report detailing the widespread use of facial recognition technology, including law enforcement using databases of faceprints from government agencies and private firms. Privacy and civil rights organizations have been warning for the last few years that the use of facial recognition […]

Here’s the story the MSM isn’t telling you about the claimed pullout! MH 23.04.2021 Author: F. William Engdahl The Biden Administration has announced an Afghanistan US troop withdrawal date of September, 11, 2021, symbolically exactly two decades after the game-changing 911 attacks in New York and Washington. However the Pentagon and White […]

A federal judge has approved the unsealing of documents related to VIP pedophile pimp Ghislaine Maxwell and her ties to the Clinton family. Source: Daily Mail The Daily Mail broke the news that Presiding Judge Loretta Preseka ordered the unsealing of “dozens more documents” about Epstein’s child procurer and her dealings with […]

The reaction to Covid has shown that the ‘unity through crises’ model of the global ruling class has backfired. As talk of UFOs intensifies, are they now hoping that mankind can be unified by an extra-terrestrial threat? Dr. Mathew Maavak,RTFri, 25 Jun 2021 When enforced narratives fail, abrupt U-turns are inevitable. The global […]

YOU IGNORANT FOOLS DID EVERYTHING THAT THEY WANTED YOU TO. Yuri Brezmenov. From Joyce Bowen (link to full article below) These are things every American citizen (and the rest of especially NZ! Martin) should know that are not being taught in our schools to our children.  These are things citizens […]

As forecast the result of the so called House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation UFO disclosure turned out to be very ho hum. The question remains what the political purpose behind pushing this non story which sources back to the spooks and pop stars from […]
