J.D. Vance, Trump’s VP pick, received a glowing endorsement from Tucker Carlson which was posted here yesterday. But Leo Hohmann asks us to take another look and exposes the dark side of Vance. MH Leo Hohmann – Leo’s Newsletter July 17, 2024 https://leohohmann.substack.com J.D. Vance is going to deliver the […]
Deep State
If you were having doubts about J.D. Vance, this should make you feel a heck of a lot better. THE VIGILANT FOX JUL 15 “Every bad person I’ve ever met in a lifetime in Washington was aligned against JD Vance.” Now, that’s saying something. For this reason, Tucker thinks people should […]
In every age there is a set of beliefs that are elevated to a sacred status and questioning them is deemed heretical. For centuries it was the dogmas of Christianity that possessed this status, today it is the dogma of the democratic state. Democracy, as currently practiced, is the greatest […]
Best blog on the Trump Assassination attempt I’ve read so far. Kudos to Simplicious for the comprehensive detail MH SimpliciusSimplicius76 SubstackSun, 14 Jul 2024 Well, the nightmare scenario we’ve predicted for a long time is slowly unraveling. Trump was just shot at his rally in Butler, PA by a rooftop […]
I heard the news. I’m sure the whole world has heard it. Suddenly the spotlight is off Biden’s mental state and on the failed assassination attempt on Trump. Ed. Comment by Martin Harris 14/7/24 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump gestures as he is surrounded by U.S. Secret Service […]
Biden continues to astound the world and steal the spotlight from Trump…for all the wrong reasons! Here’s a trio of videos bringing you up to date on the aftermath of Joe’s disastrous day. This is the worst puppet-show of an election build-up ever, and that’s saying a lot! MH Trump’s […]
Obama: “People ask me, knowing what you know now do you wish like you had a sec…a third term um and I used to say you know what if, if I could make an arrangement where, um, I had a I had a, a stand-in, a front man or front […]
America is upside down. What just happened is unthinkable and mind-boggling. This represents a radical 180-degree turnaround. What is it? The ever-lying, completely corrupt news media stood up – to everyone’s amazement – against Deep State puppet and ultimate traitor Joe Biden, and unanimously promoted their worst enemy, Donald Trump, as the best candidate […]
The real Joe Biden, blue-eyed and borderline incoherent, faced off against Trump in a woefully embarrassing live debate. But who was the HAZEL-EYED and fiery character we saw the day after? This was brought to our attention by Hal Turner here: Hal Turner Radio Show – FAKE “Joe Biden” Is […]
Here’s the link where you can watch all 3 Presidential candidates answer the CNN moderator questions. Starts at 6pm PT, 9pm ET. STEVE KIRSCHJUN 27 Three candidates qualified for the June presidential debate, but CNN is only going to let you hear from two of them. The same two who’ve […]