“When will this government realize that Orwell’s 1984 was NOT an instruction manual?” Pierre Poilievre. When your popularity CRASHES Clown Planet Will Trudeau follow the example of his New Zealand “twin” Ardern and make a quiet exit before the humiliation of an election defeat? This all seems to have been […]
Can Decentralization Save Humanity? – Why Smaller is Better in Politics The following is a transcript of this video. “…the world would be most happily governed if it consisted not of a few aggregations…with their accompaniments of despotism and tyrannic rule, but of a society of small States.” Saint Augustine, The […]
JP Morgan becomes the latest to roll out invasive point-of-sale biometric payment plan, following Visa, MasterCard and Amazon Leo Hohmann – LeoHohmann.com March 27, 2023 While Americans get increasingly hypnotized by 2024 election coverage, where all they’re hearing about is the theatrics surrounding Donald Trump, the globalists and technocrats are […]
“Compulsory cooperation is not debatable with 166 nations, most of whose leaders are irresolute, conditioned by localist “cultures,” and lacking appropriate notions of the New World Order. Debate means delay and forfeiture of our goals and purpose.” From Pam Vernon, EWR https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com/ CONFIDENTIAL: COBDEN CLUBS, Secretariat for World Order 814-631-9959, September […]
By now, everyone has heard the news that the ICC wants Putin to answer for his heinous war crimes. The reason given for his summons? He helped relocate children from the Donbass to Russia and put the orphans up for adoption with church families. Rolo Slavskiy – Slavland Chronicles March […]
Authorities want to require vaccines in order to buy, sell, or trade. Christians are alarmed. Anyone else with a brain should be, too. Joe AllenThe SingularityWed, 15 Sep 2021 The new totalitarianism is getting a test run in the wake of COVID-19. Across the globe, every person must submit to […]
The capacity of a modern economy to produce food and goods for its citizens, and weapon and fuel supplies for its military to project power, are the undeniable twin pillars of global power. Both depend on reasonably priced and readily available energy. Donn Dears cfact.org Via theBFD Almost 80% of […]
Facial recognition Fascism is here. This is happening because ‘we the people’ allowed it to happen. Some of us even acted as cheerleaders for its implementation “for our safety”. Others failed to stand when the opportunity to protest arose. Have we become a civilization of cowards? How is this legal? […]
Various countries have welcomed the restoration of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, while the regime in Tel Aviv seems to view the development as a “fatal blow” to its regional coalition building against the Islamic Republic. Press TV — March 10, 2023 After several days of intensive negotiations […]
We’ve posted many blogs and articles on the Social Credit subject for years now. Warned about it coming, screamed it from the rooftops. New Zealand is going full steam ahead with Light Rail (while discouraging private transportation) and this will go hand in with it. FOR PITY’S SAKE!! WAKE THE […]