So far, this man has had a stellar record for accuracy. There’s no reason to doubt him now. If Trump were still President the Ukraine situation would have played out very differently. There would, I think, have been deals made without war or bloodshed (ie profits for the war-profiteers) and […]

“is the United States and possibly NATO involved in the funding, training and political support of neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine and if so, for what purpose?” Cynthia ChungThrough a Glass DarklyWed, 06 Apr 2022 In part 1 of this series Fact Checking the Fact Checkers, the question was posed “why does […]

Both Putin and Xi hold back hawk factions that would have America and its sycophants; who have survived long overdue retribution, breathing radioactive dust indefinitely.  Opinion by G Squared Biden has now advised (remember he almost reads prepared scripts, and he has been wearing an earpiece from Trump debate days) […]

For many years, the term ‘New World Order’ was used by US and some other Western officials to refer to the post-USSR world of unbridled Western dominance, in which the ‘End of History’ would see the whole Earth subsumed within Western civilization. Sott.netThu, 17 Mar 2022  © In the […]

A deluge of information and insight from Joyce Bowen. Please be sure to visit Joyce Bowen’s blog, leave a comment and a “like”, let her know her amazing work is appreciated: Introduction by Joyce Bowen I’m just like everyone else.  There are those of us who hoped Putin would […]

Jon Rappoport – No More Fake News March 25, 2022 (To join our email list, click here.) Continuing to present the extraordinary research of the late Antony Sutton— Today’s Sutton excerpt comes from his 1986 book, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy. As usual, the detail is shocking. So are the names […]

Excellent interview by Mike Whitney of CIA vet Larry C. Johnson Mike Whitney – The Unz Review March 21, 2022 Question 1– Can you explain to me why you think Russia is winning the war in Ukraine? Larry C. Johnson– Within the first 24 hours of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, […]
