Let me share with you some critical facts about Ukraine and its economic potential. When you consider these facts you will likely wonder why Ukraine is not one of the richest nations in Europe. Larry Johnson – SONAR 21, Sept 10, 2024 Why the West Lusts After Ukraine — Back to […]
The world didn’t end in 2012, it was hijacked by the Cosmic Joker. I can’t think of any other reasonable explanation. Martin Harris 14/9/24 Serious news and geopolitical analysis is delivered by comedians. The mainstream news is satire delivered with deadpan seriousness. Right wing Republican/Capitalist diehards Bush and Cheney put […]
Two names are forever remembered in association with the destruction of the WTC on 9/11/01. They are of course Bush and Cheney. Biden called Trump an “alley cat”, but Bush and Cheney could rightly be called a pair of mongrels. So when these two instigators of endless wars and death […]
Nazism is often used as a smear by the political Left these days. But “National Socialism” is a can of worms with characteristics associated with political left and right wings in today’s world. Metatron takes a deep dive in a calm and non-partisan presentation. Enjoy. MH Metatron Metatron comments: Hi […]
On Saturday, September 14, 2024, we will publish an extremely revealing report about the reality of chemtrails, as part of worldwide government programs for weather and climate modification. From David Sorenson @ Stop World Control (links below) Here is what you can expect in this report… ✔︎ Official government documents […]
War in space seems to be a dominant theme of the emerging World War 3 scenario. NZ is ready and willing. However, there’s sure to be repercussions. Here’s RNZ’s news report: New Zealand has accepted a US invitation to join a top-level group that aims to deter hostile actors in […]
The rapid spread of the riots illustrates that this was not an isolated reaction to an isolated incident, but a guttural nationwide release of anger and frustration that has been building for decades. Marshall Yeats • August 29, 2024 Lessons from the English Riots, by Marshall Yeats – The Unz Review “The […]
Nukes are apparently too discriminatory. Nukes need “queering”. Please, please, someone wake me up from this demented nuthouse nightmare… Actually, I’ve got a really great idea. When the bombs come raining down, I’m going to get into my bunker, and they can go stand outside and wave placards and chant […]
Kamala does more flip-flops than a circus acrobat as this assemblage from Russell Brand’s YT team demonstrates. Governments rely on short memories, but I’m sure we all remember when Trump’s campaign in 2016 focused on building the Border Wall. The democrats, naturally, hurled accusations of racism and other forms of […]
U.S. government seems to be pushing a contradictory policy of war with Russia, Iran and China while destabilizing the homefront through mass migration and a weakening of the U.S. Armed Forces. Leo Hohmann Aug 26 Former Green Beret and War correspondent Michael Yon was recently on site at the United Nations migration […]