Facebook has proven once again that the platform is not only part of the deep state, but also the all-powerful national security apparatus that has become a modern-day version of all-intrusive Big Brother. JD Heyes – Natural News Sept 16, 2022 According to New York Post columnist Miranda Devine, the platform has […]

I keep thinking this can’t be happening—that it must be some sort of nightmare I’ll wake up from soon.  But I’ve already seen too much of DARPA’s doings and they are not going to stop. AUTHOR: Joyce Bowen https://joyce-bowen.blog/ Darpa, Military behind covid-vaccines [Graphene and Quantum Entanglement] Elon Musk and Neuralink. […]

New British PM Liz Truss tries desperately to deflect a direct question about austerity, and gets owned. A golden moment. When you get completely owned… Carl Vernon179K subscribers Bestselling books and merch: https://www.carlvernon.com Live events: https://www.carlvernon.com/clown-plan… Paypal tip: https://paypal.me/officialcarlvernon Don’t forget to subscribe. Hit the bell to stay updated on […]

Behind the overwhelming news barrage relating to the Queen’s passing, something big is brewing. The Vatican is battening down the hatches. here’s the official line from The Catholic Herald: “Pope Francis has moved decisively to clean up corruption in Vatican finances and to avoid a repeat of the high-profile botched […]

(Natural News) Western Europe is facing “total collapse” from catastrophic scarcity and price hikes surrounding food, fertilizer, energy and industry, warns David Dubyne, featured in today’s Situation Update podcast (below). Mike Adams – Natural News Sept 8, 2022 Silver guru David Morgan, also featured in today’s podcast, adds that European […]

Today, the German armed forces (Bundeswehr) along with NATO forces are training for upheavals this fall – in Germany and likely in other major European cities. Peter KoenigGlobal ResearchSat, 03 Sep 2022  The German Government is preparing for a Military Regime for all eventualities. German leaders fear uprisings and they […]

Communications from our enigmatic contributor: Behind the MSM blackouts, propaganda and censorship on recent events. As always, do your own research on these subjects and question everything! MH from 3/9/22 Boris Johnson; still commanding The UK Special Forces; last night dispatched 60 elites from the command stationed in Kent; to […]
