Evidence is growing in Europe that many fewer babies are being born in the aftermath of—and circumstantially related to—the covid-19 vaccination rollouts. This widespread phenomenon is alarming doctors, data analysts, and others who say a monumental shift is being ignored. Mary Beth Pfieffer – Rescue.substack.com Nov 28, 2022 This article is […]
House Reps release bombshell report showing Pelosi staff had regular meetings setting up J6 security, helped revise plans, and turned down requests from USCP and House Sgt. at Arms for more funding and Nat’l Guard troops IT WAS A SETUP!! Rogan O’ Handley From Rogan O’Handley Twitter Account: Nothing to […]
As many people must now realise, the word ‘Green’ has been hijacked. It used to mean ‘natural’, ‘diverse’, ‘eco-friendly’ and ‘human scale’. That was while bona fide ecologists still held sway over the way the word was used. By Julian Rose Global Research, December 27, 2022 ‘Green’ meant taking a responsible […]
Watch the vids, research the data, and you’ll find out all you need to know. The truth speaks for itself. No apparent covid in Africa Meanwhile, chaos runs rampant in China with infections soaring. Italy now requires mandatory testing for Chinese arrivals, and is finding 50% infection rates. Countries Impose […]
This one should ruffle a few feathers. Seelmann makes some bold statements about Putin here. Brace yourselves! MH (And please remember, this is one author’s opinion, we welcome any opinion in response as long as it’s expressed in a civil manner. Martin) Björn SeelmannSott.netSat, 24 Dec 2022 The West’s “Empire […]
Yes guys, you’ve had plenty of practice during the lockdowns and mandates, and wasn’t it such a RUSH, that addictive surge of adrenaline, that feeling of POWER and CONTROL and that sense of accomplishment as the conspiracy loony down the street at no.70 got interrogated by the Thought Police! I’m […]
Not being reported in the MSM (surprised?) is the “under the radar” defunding of Border Control Police, via the $1.7 trillion Omnibus Bill 2022. Looks like a recipe for orchestrated chaos. Here’s the communication from our correspondent G Squared, and following I’ll make connections to the “master plan”. Martin The […]
Bringing the Nord Stream 2 saga up to date: Two plus two equals…well, you don’t have to be a genius to join the dots here. MH First some links to recap on the Nord Stream “accident” Which brings us to subsequent recent events: The US is set to double its […]
How in the hell did they know? This is uncannily close to present reality. Predictive Programming – Revealing The Method – The X-Files Also on Brighteon if YT takes it down: https://www.brighteon.com/9928e54a-1c2e-4e3a-a5ad-9027ddfc9fe6 264 views Dec 16, 2022 They always reveal the method. It is on you if you don’t get […]
Russel Brand delivers the latest military-industrial news in his unique style, including the official B21 Raider Stealth jet unveiling. The American war industry is looking forward to “multiyear authority” in Ukraine. Does that sound like they want peace or don’t want peace? #war #nuke #ukraine Russell Brand Russell Brand6.08M subscribers […]