If you are one of Jacinda’s animals you are definitely on the “more equal” side of the Orwellian equation! Thanks to The BFD for this find. The BFD | Face of the Day
An awesome start to the year’s protest actions. And a surprise speaker! The weather was kind and so were the people. Freedoms and Rights representatives from various parts of the country took the stage, and an emotional speech from Ashleigh, the brave partner of Rory Nairn (see this link). And […]
And why is Google rushing to change and debunk the definition while deleting the relevant interviews? Watch this… The Hill1.45M subscribers Kim Iversen explains what “mass formation psychosis” is. YOUTUBE CENSORS AND REMOVES JOE ROGAN INTERVIEWS WITH ROBERT MALONE AND PETER MCCULOUGH: Joe Rogan interview with Dr Robert Malone taken […]
Yep, them conspiracy theorists come up with some crazy paranoid delusions, that’s fer sure… Thanks to Sarah for the image. Cheers!
You can’t make this stuff up. I’m sure we’ve all heard “Just following orders” before somewhere. Like Nuremberg. In fact, there are an awful lot of folk “just following orders” right now. People and organisations that ought to know better. Martin When Syd Fizzard paid a visit to the Canadian […]
Your children’s children will live under communism, You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright; but we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have Communism. We will not have to fight you; We will so […]
NZ: Richmond stallholders set up separatist ‘Freedom Market’ to flout COVID regulations The Motueka Sunday Market asked stallholders to be vaccinated and wear masks. They left to start their own market where they don’t obey the rules. [Don’t you love the way they call the anti-mandate camp “separatists”? Bloody hypocrites! […]
‘Vaccine Passports’ came into existence because of COVID-19, right? Wrong. The passport agenda came first. Even the name “COVID” is of obscure origin. The WHO’s alleged naming process is suspicious. Previous variants were “Bird Flu”, “Swine Flu” etc. Shouldn’t this be “Bat Flu” or “Wuhan Flu” if the naming trend […]
Yes, the details have been sealed to “protect us” from the facts. I’ll bet a few elites are breathing a sigh of relief. Two Bills spring to mind for starters… Note that this sealing of details goes back to March 2021 but has recently resurfaced on Social Media due to […]
“André Maurois’s The War against the Moon (1928), where a band of well-meaning conspirators intend to avert a devastating world war by uniting humanity in hatred of a fictitious Lunar enemy only to find that the moon is truly inhabited and that they had unwittingly set off the first interplanetary war. This…is explicitly described as an excerpt […]