The Wizard is China of course. While the MSM shouts from the rooftops about Russian meddlers, China quietly influences world politics beneath the radar! This was the situation a year ago regarding Turnbull’s standing with China: “…The prime minister, who has promised tougher laws against “foreign interference” and tighter restrictions […]

…But blames the Obama Administration. Well, he’s got a point. Obama was still in charge at the time! by Tyler Durden (Zerohedge) Tue, 07/17/2018 – 14:35 In an attempt to “clarify” his remarks during yesterday’s summit with Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump made a brief closed-door address to a handful of […]

Yes, he’s in the UK and causing controversy as per norm. Along with likeness in balloon form: Yes, Trump has openly criticised Theresa May, and why not? She’s earned a little criticism. But who has Trump suggested would be the best choice to run (or should that be “ruin”?) […]
