Has Africa made it to the list of US geopolitical priorities? Why is the US military expanding its secret intelligence operations in Africa? What is behind the growth of AFRICOM? Why is the US training and equipping militaries in a number of African states? Is it a price to pay […]
[youtube]cZHich7pFg8[/youtube] [youtube]yUErxJlOcqo[/youtube] [youtube]0dYhuKrrmuQ[/youtube]
This old order of things is about to make itself extinct by its own hand. How can I say these people will make themselves obsolete and irrelevant? Do you remember when we use to go walking inside the indoor shopping malls? One of my favorite places to go is the […]
In an interview with Germany’s ARD television channel aired today but originally filmed on July 5, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stated that the United States is now “part of the conflict” in Syria in funding and protecting the armed opposition forces which are, by all definitions, terrorists. This is far […]
The scientist behind the bogus claim in a Nobel Prize-winning UN report that Himalayan glaciers will have melted by 2035 last night admitted it was included purely to put political pressure on world leaders. Read the rest here
. A delegation of 40 international solidarity activists from different countries entered the Gaza Strip on Saturday afternoon via Egypt’s Rafah crossing. An Egyptian security source at the terminal said the activists were part of the international aid convoy Miles of Smiles 14. The group left humanitarian aid to the […]
An article by two well-known Israeli writers’ details state-sponsored terrorism by a secret unit of the MOSSAD called ‘The Kidon’ that operates inside of Iran. . [youtube]VW0Q-Hpu7wk[/youtube] . Press TV has conducted an interview with Mark Glenn, Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement, Idaho, who uses the subject article as an […]
Israeli officials say a UN fact-finding mission “will not be allowed to enter” the country and its occupied territories. On Friday, the Geneva-based Human Rights Council appointed three officers to probe Israel’s West Bank settlement activity. The UN’s top human rights body has commissioned three jurists to find out how […]
Lew Rockwell, founder and Chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, discusses his “War and Inflation“speech at a 2008 Future of Freedom Foundation conference, how central banking allows governments to fund wars and empire through money printing instead of direct taxation, keeping a lid on internal dissent, why deflation is […]
The US’ increasingly unhinged rhetoric reached a new level of absurdity this week as US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called on Western nations and their Arab proxies to “make it clear that Russia and China will pay a price because they are holding up progress” in regards to the […]