[youtube]D8B4-1I9Q98[/youtube] Richard Gage, AIA was the featured guest for 9.5 minutes during the morning TV talk show “Ireland:AM” on the popular mainstream TV3 channel which was broadcast throughout the country on 6/9/11. The producer also played most of the trailer of the DVD “9/11: Blueprint for Truth” which shows a […]
We’re happy to announce the release of the latest Pop-Up Fallacies video. This one is Obama’s May 1 2011 speech – with an average LPM (Lies Per Minute) rating of 9.5 [youtube]m2TIpz2lClg[/youtube]
Without knowing how money is created and managed, all other topics concerning money are out of context. This is crucial : regarding trillions of dollars of economic power, you have no idea where money comes from. It’s time for you to learn. Read the rest here
This week, hundreds of activists plan on challenging Israel’s apartheid by flying in to Ben Gurion airport near Tel Aviv as part of the “Welcome to Palestine” initiative. Heraclitis once stated that “There is nothing permanent except change,” and indeed human history is a chronicle of change — and the […]
Recent statements by the defense ministers of Germany and Canada reveal that the globally-oriented Western military consortium that is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization plans not only to continue but broaden the wars and military occupations it has conducted over the past twenty years. The bloc’s primus inter pares – […]
This fourth of July article is a call to those people of the USA who can still think critically to stop merely talking about changing the US and hence, the world, and start doing it by creating resistance movements against the beliefs and practices that foster going into countries and […]
Journalists Fitzgerald and Gould do yeoman’s labor in clearing the fog and laying bare American failures in Afghanistan in this deeply researched, cogently argued and enormously important book. The authors demonstrate how closely American actions are tied to past miscalculations & how U.S. policy has placed Afghans and Americans in […]
[ If you haven’t seen this – then it’s two minutes of your life well spent ] An animated interview of John Perkins, author of ‘HoodWinked’ and ‘Confessions Of An Economic Hitman’ [youtube]n7Fzm1hEiDQ[/youtube]
The US has conducted its first drone strike on Islamist militants in Somalia, marking the expansion of the pilotless war campaign to a sixth country. The missile strike on a vehicle in the southern town of Kismayo, reported last week as a helicopter assault, wounded two senior militants with […]
[ Iceland Tells Europe to ‘ Go Pound Sand ‘ 🙂 ] Iceland is free. Read the rest here