Source: Law of Mother Earth expected to prompt radical new conservation and social measures in South American nation Bolivia is set to pass the world’s first laws granting all nature equal rights to humans. The Law of Mother Earth, now agreed by politicians and grassroots social groups, redefines the country’s […]
By Dr. Alan Sabrosky Many years ago I read a fascinating discussion of the “tactics of mistake.” This essentially entailed using a target’s prejudices and preconceptions to mislead them as to the origin and intent of the attack, entrapping them in a tactical situation that later worked to […]
The Malaysian Foreign Minister has called for an international criminal court to be set up to prosecute Israelis over war crimes in Gaza. [youtube]cW0aLynFR08[/youtube] At a speech in London, the minister also called for the United Nations to be reformed so the voices of powerful western nations are not so […]
[youtube]zoxxmGpp6HI[/youtube] [youtube]jIu66kft9nM[/youtube] [youtube]32T96ZkgzQQ[/youtube]
Icelanders should be proud of their success in taking their country back over the last few years and we should be proud of them. They serve as an example for us all. Axis of Logic commentary & photo essay
[youtube]la_EanTSoTY[/youtube] [youtube]kGH6cdArNwg[/youtube]
[youtube]qSf13AS2Owk[/youtube] [youtube]d_38fSeRDB0[/youtube] Troubling new data has revealed that there are an average of 950 suicide attempts each month by veterans who are receiving some type of treatment from the Veterans Affairs Department. Seven percent of the attempts are successful, and 11 percent of those who dont succeed on the first […]
World War II air combat veteran & historian Howard Zinn … On the difference between the government and the nation. And how “government” has hijacked patriotism in the service of the highest corporate bidders. Video : – Brasscheck
Why am I going on the Freedom Flotilla II to Gaza? I ask myself this, even though the answer is: what else would I do? I am in my 67th year, having lived already a long and fruitful life, one with which I am content. It seems to me that […] On Wednesday, June 22, Israel held the largest war exercise in its history. The Real News’ Lia Tarachansky interviewed Rela Mazali, a founder of New Profile, an organization working to demilitarize Israeli society, and Alex Cohn, a war resister who served five months for objecting to serve in […]