[youtube]HkrEHqz0384[/youtube] TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES
A brief extract from Murray Horton’s roadshow : NEW ZEALAND IS NOT FOR SALE that began yesterday on Waiheke Island. Campaign Against Foreign Control Of Aotearoa from Scott Ewing on Vimeo. Murray discusses the folly of privatising state assets. His roadshow is underway right now For more details : https://cafcatour.blogspot.com/ […]
[youtube]_mmimUVJqUU[/youtube] Six environmental organisations are backing Ngati Porou and Te Whanau a Apanui in their fight against deep sea oil drilling off the East Cape. They are protesting against government policy allowing foreign oil companies like Brazilian giant Petrobras to drill for oil in some of New Zealand’s deepest coastal […]
Since the 1979 Iranian revolution and the downfall of the US Puppet Ruler the Shah, Iran has been an Islamic state. In that interval of time, 1979 to the present, Iran has not invaded anyone. Not once. People of all religions live in peace in Iran, even Jews, who find […]
Remember, that conflicts in the Arab world since 1999 are being orchestrated on the following principles: 1) To protect the existence of the illegal state of Israel 2) To get direct control over the oil and strategic raw materials in the area 3) To encircle Russia and prepare bridgeheads for […]
WTC7 on 911 was a controlled demolition. Please watch these videos – ask yourself if you haven’t already – why is this important information absent from our mainstream media. The only explanation I can fathom is that they are not allowed to put it up on TV because the public […]
[ One of the most illuminating factors about this attack on Libya – will be who installs Gaddafi’s replacement ] [ My moneys on these arrogant blood-soaked meddlers from Langley, Virginia ] It has been six days since Khalifa Hifter was appointed the top military commander for the Libyan rebel […]
[youtube]HrC2bPhGW9Y[/youtube] Additional parts can be found here