[ … so who’s up for another rousing downtown Auckland round of ‘Spot The Spook’ ? ~ cell phone cameras & handycams will be welcome. ] Hundreds of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of Egypt for the last week calling on President Hosni Mubarak to step […]
Salma Eltarzi an Egyptian woman explains who the Mubarak supporters really are. She then goes on to describe what’s happening to them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67oSuHd4C6c She also exposes the BBC muslim brotherhood lies. “There are a lot woman and children in the square..” “They’re shooting at our legs and feet..” “The people […]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTsfsW3_J04 CNN is pushing the American spin that the freedom marchers and Mubarak’s plainclothes thugs are really morally equivalent and represent a fifty-fifty split in Egypt regarding Mubarak … [ h / t : WhatReallyHappened.com ]
I think most of you are familiar with AC/DC’s “Highway to Hell.” Well, I certainly can’t think of a more appropriate theme song to accompany the mass murder being perpetrated against the Palestinian people by the Israeli government and their co-conspirators here in the United States. Perhaps this should be […]
Source: https://www.thenation.com/blog/158183/washingtons-sudden-embrace-al-jazeera-wont-erase-past-us-crimes-against-network?page=full If it weren’t for al Jazeera, much of the unfolding Egyptian revolution would never have been televised. Its Arabic and English language channels have provided the most comprehensive coverage of any network in any language hands-down. Despite the Mubarak regime’s attempts to shut it down, al Jazeera’s brave […]
Source: https://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article27383.htm Eyes fixed on Egypt, the consensus is that we are witnessing a global awakening. Mesmerized by the crowds, mainstream media reports, and ‘pundits’ analysis, we have abandoned our ability to think critically — we fail to ask the right question: Why is the mainstream media in the U.S., […]
[ Bought to you by : ] Crisis in Egypt Dr Nigel Parsons from Massey University’s politics department is an expert on the Middle East, who’s lived and worked in Egypt. Mohammed Hassan is an Egyptian student in Auckland who helped organise a rally over the weekend. The two discuss […]
Former Managing Director of Goldman Sachs: Egyptians, Greeks, Tunisians and British Are All Protesting Against Pillaging of Their Economies Nomi Prins – former managing director of Goldman Sachs and head of the international analytics group at Bear Stearns in London – notes that the Egyptian people are rebelling against being […]