This episode is virtually identical to what’s really going on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VlYhwzoAoE Not really a surprise since George Lucas is extremely familiar with the world cycles of tyranny, freedom, dictators, evil, the dark side, oppression, police states and more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yv6KYjta3s It’s been said the further back in time you go, the […]

https://www.pasthorizons.com/index.php/archives/12/2010/rapanui-easter-island-under-fire-by-chilean-troops Taken from a press release Early this morning armed Chilean troops opened fire with rubber bullets on Rapanui civilians. The police started shooting and tear gassing as the Rapanui people gathered in solidarity. Now there is blood on the streets. Leviante Araki, the President of the Rapanui Parliament was […]
