It was another of those great TV moments. Embedded reports filming as the “last” brigade of American troops in Iraq cross the border into Kuwait bringing over seven years of unhappy conflict to its final, conclusive end. America was, at last, at peace. But like so many other great TV […]
Kenneth O’Keefe, who witnessed the Israeli assault on the Gaza-bound Turkish aid ship, the Mavi Marmara, highlights the prejudices, distortions and lies of the BBC, whose Panorama programme on 15 August propagated the Israeli line regarding the assault on the aid ship and the murder of nine peace activists, hook, […]
[youtube]NWBKSO4DvWk[/youtube] [youtube]3wfSHV4zYMw[/youtube]
Palestinians have repelled an Israeli attack in which several tanks crossed into southern parts of the Gaza Strip and an Israeli soldier pierced through the bordering security fence. According to Hamas security officials, six Israeli tanks crossed into the area and one of them fired shells at a house near […]
The United States by every measure is hanging on by a thread to its First World status. [ … which is just what happens when someone decides to export your consumer manufacturing and automotive industries to the asian continent, all the while charging you interest on debt that is created […]
[youtube]MW9WaU0-YFM[/youtube] [youtube]pCHN-1Yk5LI[/youtube] [youtube]Gxorz4jWDMY[/youtube]
[ who saw -that- coming ? ] [youtube]AMMkKu1H__s[/youtube] Transcript PAUL JAY, SENIOR EDITOR, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network. I’m Paul Jay in Washington. In Colombia, the new president, Juan Manuel Santos, has done something that seems quite unexpected: he made peace with Venezuela. In fact, he ran much […]
In one of the first military commissions held under the Obama administration, a US military judge has ruled that confessions obtained by threatening the subject with rape are admissible in court. The case involves Omar Ahmed Khadr, a citizen of Canada who was apprehended in Afghanistan when he was 15 […]
Nila Sagadevan is an aeronautical engineer and a pilot. There are some who maintain that the mythical 9/11 hijackers, although proven to be too incompetent to fly a little Cessna 172, had acquired the impressive skills that enabled them to fly airliners by training in flight simulators. What follows is an attempt […]
[ h / t : wrh ] As far as the U.S. is concerned, the financiers will have used us for a century, then thrown us in the trash. The U.S. may well be replaced by China, which the financiers seem to be grooming as the world’s next military enforcer. […]