After several days underground, the founder of the secretive website WikiLeaks has gone public to disclose that he is preparing to release a classified Pentagon video of a U.S. airstrike in Afghanistan last year that left as many as 140 civilians dead, most of them children and teenagers. Read the […]
[youtube]fIFjcVtp8X4[/youtube] [youtube]bTiqtmlx5IM[/youtube] [youtube]IuezNswtRfo[/youtube] [youtube]ROnXv7Z7v28[/youtube]
The visit by Amr Moussa, the secretary-general of the Arab League, to Gaza is the first serious attempt by an Arab official to break the Israeli-imposed siege on the tiny Strip. It took a war, the lives of 1,400 Palestinians, and nine Turks, killed during a lethal Israeli interception of […]
To cloud this straightforward issue, Israel immediately attempted to control the coverage by kidnapping and holding the human rights activists incommunicado for several days. Israel also took the activists’ recording devices and videos. Thus Israel was able to spread its version of events without challenge in the crucially important first […]
The third and final film of the Qatsi trilogy by Godfrey Reggio & scored by Philip Glass In this cinematic concert, mesmerizing images are plucked from everyday reality, then visually altered with state-of-the-art digital techniques. The result is a chronicle of the shift from a world organized by the principles […]
Finally! – Ed. Source: BEIRUT: A Jewish European peace group is to launch a boat to break the blockade of Gaza in the coming months, organizers said, almost a week after nine activists were killed making the same trip. European Jews for a Just Peace (EJJP) – an umbrella organization […]
One of the most striking trends following the flotilla attack has been how quickly Israeli hasbara is being exposed by internet journalists. The doctored IDF audio clips, where amateurs with mock Arab accents hiss ‘Go back to Aushwitz’ to Israeli naval officers. Well they didn’t take long to pull apart […]
Falls The Shadow by Helen Pollock – Artist from Scott Ewing on Vimeo. A spectacular sculpture by Auckland ceramic artist, Helen Pollock, using a mix of New Zealand clay and clay from the battlefields of Passchendaele. “Falls the Shadow” depicts a grove of hands reaching up in a way that […]