[youtube]04EcEb4eMEM[/youtube] Our situation is now at a crisis point! Riot has broken out in the port of Al- Arish. This late afternoon we were negotiating with a senior official from Cairo who left negotiations some two hours ago and did not return. Our negotiations with the official was regarding taking our aid vehicles into […]
There were sparks of hope, soon dashed, that China’s strict Web censorship had eased, allowing YouTube, Facebook and other banned sites. ‘It seemed just like a dream,’ says one Twitter user. By David Pierson January 5, 2010 For a couple of precious hours Monday, the Chinese government’s Web censoring system, […]
Scam, scam, scam, scam, scam. Roundly dedicated to these saps who still believe that what humanity will eventually just have to do in order to survive is to – in the future – somehow carve a few billion of us of the face of the planet like fat off last […]
by Carolyn Betts and Catherine Austin Fitts New Zealand Banking System Overview New Zealand banks and non-bank deposit-taking institutions are registered, supervised and monitored for compliance with New Zealand banking supervision policies by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (“Reserve Bank”). – The Reserve Bank’s supervisory authority over banks arises […]
More Must-Watch Documentaries Than You Can Shake A Stick At The documentaries below reveal the parts of reality that we are not supposed to talk about; the parts of reality that contradict common sense, but still go on unquestioned by the global media cartel and unanswered by our governments. Spread […]
Inherent in every human being lurk the qualities that make us capable of indelible and enduring good, or astounding and catastrophic evil. Many of us struggle with these natural inborn psychological dualities every day of our lives. With the help of conscience; the ever present voice of the unconscious which […]
Back when the distant ancestors of rich fucks were busily getting other people [ through force ] to pop lots of stones on top of each other somewhere in the Fertile Crescent Valley – – so that they just might might then beam their dying spirit to some particular star […]
What the US needs in 2010 more than anything else is a wake up call. Trillion dollar Wall Street handouts; endless and ever expanding wars; and civil liberties under attack more than ever. And millions still think Barack Obama is going to save them. The roots of a delusion. Video: […]
Source A non-US-citizen celebrates an attack on the CIA, and asks why Americans tolerate occupation. A foreign friend of mine, who must remain nameless here, recently contacted me to wish me a happy New Year and to celebrate the martyrdom operation in Afghanistan that claimed the lives of eight CIA […]
[ C.S.I. meets -High- -Drama- meets Professional Wrestling meets Navy S.E.A.L.S. meets -Gritty- -Questions- meets Robert Downey Jr. From Natural Born Killers. Episode II of a series ] [youtube]Tkio6TF0Ufg[/youtube] [youtube]M8490zVpDBs[/youtube] [youtube]s48kHu-zDhE[/youtube] [youtube]ZNQYuV4nqjI[/youtube]