[Can you say ‘Viral’? Another Video taken down by youtube for  “terms of use violation” has been posted here: https://snardfarker.ning.com/video/banned-on-youtube-israeli Another deleted for “terms of use violation” video removed by youtube was the utterly heinous ‘Gaza Massacre Horror’ cell phone video that was posted back in December when Israel killed […]

[This from Axis of Logic. ] By Talha Mujaddidi. Saturday, Aug 29, 2009 We are watching it happen in the streets. The recurring nightmare has become a grim, new reality for the people of Pakistan. After watching the horrors of the U.S. invasions and occupations of Iraq and neighboring Afhanistan […]

The majority of Americans say the war in Afghanistan is not worth fighting and oppose sending more US troops to the country, a recent poll says. [Would someone please tell those Bush-era waterhead bum-trumpets in Wellington that run New Zealand Foreign Policy?] The Washington Post-ABC News poll indicates that the […]

[Most people who read only the NZ Herald for their news would understand the conflict going on in South West Asia largely only from articles faithfully cut’n’pasted from the Pro-war media bumholes of The Telegraph Group Ltd and The Associated Press (or AP).     Don’t look for any positive […]
