The WEF says the public will ‘rent’ everything they require: stripping the right of ownership under the guise of ‘sustainable consumption’ and ‘saving the planet’. Of course, the tiny elite who rolled out this great reset will own everything. Hundreds of millions around the world deemed ‘surplus to requirements’ are […]
The three new suspects are accused of “criminal terrorist conspiracy,” according to judicial sources. Ten people have now been charged in connection with the murder of teacher Samuel Paty last month. Deutsche WelleSat, 07 Nov 2020 Two 18-year-old men and a 17-year-old girl were charged Friday with “criminal terrorist conspiracy” […]
Parisians caught fleeing the city in ‘dystopian’ scenes: 700 kilometer traffic jam! Sky News Australia It is “dystopian and deeply disturbing” the way in which people are fleeing Paris en masse as the country heads into another widespread mass lockdown, according to Sky News host Rowan Dean. Parisians have been […]
This insightful interview of Dr Simon Thornley of Auckland University again shows that there are good reasons for us in this country to question authority and then furnished with new, rigorous evidence – chart our own course. Our Planet via PamVernon EWR During the COVID lockdown crises, NZ as a country […]
In the year 2020 America has been replete by acts of violence and destruction, i.e. revolution. The movement Antifa (antifascism), ironically has been using the same techniques of Mussolini’s ‘grey shirts’ and Hitler’s ‘long knives’ and of the Communist ‘commissars’ in order to destabilize the American society. The following interview is from […]
With the 2020 U.S. presidential election less than a month away, there is widespread speculation concerning Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s mental and physical fitness at 77 years of age if he were to defeat incumbent Donald Trump on November 3rd. Max ParryDissident VoiceSat, 17 Oct 2020 00:00 UTC The former […]
Beware religion and politics riding in the same car! MH Ethan Huff October 10, 2020 (Natural News) In his latest Fratelli Tutti (Brothers All) encyclical letter, Pope Francis issues a plea for the nations of the world to hand their reins of power over to the United Nations, which Francis says will lead us all […]
The UK Prime Minister’s remote speech to his party conference saw him dismiss the idea of returning to normality. Is he using Covid-19 to follow the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ agenda, as many have warned? Neil ClarkRTWed, 07 Oct 2020 ‘It’s not really about public health or a virus. […]
Spot the agenda! The year 2030 mentioned should be big clue. MH By Robert Wheeler Recently, I wrote an article discussing the looming food crisis in the United States and the rest of the world. While it might seem like paranoia to some readers, the information provided in that article is very real. […]
There can be little doubt: The New World Order is taking shape rapidly in the wake of the COVID “Plandemic”. But how will the world be re-organised? by Martin Harris 11/10/20 Regular readers will be familiar with the basics of The Kalergi Plan which involved dividing the world into five […]