MUST WATCH! Astute Doctor shreds BBC debunk article misleading readers about Ivermectin. Dr. John Campbell 1.24M subscribers
Is your employer mandating the Pfizer jab? There might be a solution for you from the good Health Professionals at New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out For Science According a certain mainstream news portal: “Anti-vaccine doctors are offering online vaccination exemptions for workers affected by the mandatory vaccine order – while […]
Here’s the data without spin or agenda. Brilliant! Hey all here’s an update with selected published data, showing pure reality. Also later I retread the crucial ground of the mandates/passport illogic. Hopefully simple logic will yet help the deluded to wake up! Ivor Cummins199K subscribers DOWNLOAD HERE TO SHARE: […]
Some superb research and honest stats on the likelihood of Covid re-infection provides food for thought on the Natural antibodies vs Vaccinated protection subject. Thanks to BJ for this item. Every morning after breakfast, while ensconced upon The Throne, I read today’s news. I alternate between reading “The Week” (a […]
Complaints about the government’s Three Waters Reform TV adverts have described them as misinformation, untrue and a taxpayer-funded propaganda campaign. From RNZ (link below) The government is proposing to amalgamate council-owned drinking, waste and stormwater infrastructure and services into four regional bodies. The $3.5 million advertising campaign, which began in June […]
In 1995, the telecommunications industry was preparing to introduce a dangerous new product to the United States: the digital cell phone. Existing cell phones were analog and expensive, owned mostly by the wealthy, used for only a few minutes at a time. Many were car phones whose antennas were outside the […]
A Perfect Storm is brewing. The End of Life Choice Act will come into force in New Zealand From Sunday 7th November, New Zealanders will be able to start requesting to have their lives ended by assisted suicide or euthanasia. Simultaneously, a “No jab no Job” policy is creeping into […]
It is widely recognised that the recent vaccine mandates go against s.11 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 providing citizens with the right to refuse medical treatment. Ananish ChaudhuriSimon Thornley University of Auckland via theBFD However, it is also clear that the right may be circumscribed in extenuating […]
As euthanasia and right-to-die activists debate the use of a new lethal drug for euthanasia in the Netherlands, certain activists are promoting ‘rational suicide’ as an alternative to the current legislative framework. Philip Nitschke and his partner, Fiona Stewart, are leading advocates of the ‘rational suicide’ movement, which believes […]
Most Uncensored readers I am sure are resolutely Anti-Vax in all respects. Which is fine and an informed choice everyone should be entitled to make without prejudice. Some though, are specifically opposed to the mRNA jab. What are the options? The question I get asked most is “what about the […]