From ActivistPost: “Propaganda for Peace, Love, and Liberty” June 18, 2017 By Janet Phelan In 2014, a moratorium was placed on federally funded research which involved making flu viruses more lethal. The moratorium was placed after heated debate generated by research published  by a Netherlands team, headed up by Ron […]

From Pam Vernon: Brian Shilhavy Health Impact News Editor Readers from Italy have been contacting Health Impact News this past week, asking us to cover the massive demonstrations happening throughout Italy to protest a new mandatory vaccine law. This news has been censored from the U.S. corporate media. Francesca Alesse, […] In John Christian’s books, The Light Bulb Mafia and The Light Bulb Mafia Postscript (on the Internet) he mentions how LED light bulbs, LED slit lamps and ophthalmoscopes, LED backlit computer screens, smart phone screens and TV screens are going to severely damage the retina and accelerate early onset […]

Sweden has banned mandatory vaccinations, citing “serious health concerns” and the fact they violate a citizen’s constitutional rights to choose their own healthcare.  The Swedish Riksdag (parliament) rejected seven motions on May 10 that would have enshrined forced vaccinations into law, stating “It would violate our [Swedish Constitution] if we introduced […]

From Snafu At The Con Trail Colloidal Silver – Get it While You Can   Removed from public use in the United States in the 1920’s and 1930’s by the medical profession in their move to purge natural health remedies from the marketplace, Colloidal Silver persisted through public demand. […]

From Pam Vernon at Envirowatchrangetikei:   12-year-old bedridden, paralyzed after HPV vaccine-PLUS watch ‘The Truth About Vaccines’ screening now April 14, 2017 Pam Vernon The track record on this vaccine (Gardasil) just keeps getting worse. Please do watch the series screening right now called ‘The Truth About Vaccines’ at […]
