BlackRock: One of the great mega-villains of the economic investment world. Seems we can’t escape their clutches in the current Globalist environment. NZ readers may recall when the previous PM, left-winger “comrade” Jacinda Ardern, was caught like a possum in the headlights exiting the BlackRock Investments HQ on her US […]

Every time you hear a “climate change” scare story, that person was PAID. They are a Rockefeller stooge. They may not know it; but their profession has been entirely corrupted. AUTHOR: Elizabeth Nicksonelizabethnickson.substack.comSun, 07 Jul 2024 © Unknown This is the most public of their estates, but trust me on this, […]

France in chaos. A nation without a head. Macron’s panic over a potential right-wing takeover appears to have backfired terribly. Or perhaps it was planned that way. Perhaps Macron’s head is screwed on after all? Opinion by Martin Harris 9/7/24 Only a couple of weeks ago, the editorial team at […]

Tucker Carlson absolutely dismantled an Australian journalist while taking questions at the sold-out Australian Freedom Conference in Canberra, as part of his Australian tour. by Tyler Durden This is just embarrassing… After discussing a wide range of topics – including the release of Julian Assange, woke corporations, and corrupt pharmaceutical companies (watch here), […]

A 20-year-old woman in Hamburg, Germany, has been sent to prison after making “hateful” remarks towards a migrant who was involved in the gang rape of a child. The woman is just one of 140 people being investigated for making “harmful comments” towards the rapists. The Publica TeamThe PublicaSun, 23 Jun 2024 © […]

During the previous years, and more specifically the last few months, the intensity of a putrid smell of war has increased to the point where apocalypse could be just around the corner. Peter KoenigGlobal ResearchSun, 16 Jun 2024 More and more talks of war, a fear-mongering discourse, the projection of […]
