The Great Gloat began yesterday for yours truly when a lefty workmate got the notification he’d been waiting for on his spyphone and couldn’t wait to tell any Trump fan within a kilometer radius the joyous news. I simply gave him a look of pity. Once Pandora’s box is opened […]
hidden agenda 2030
But he’s probably headed for his luxo-bunker. Schwab has done his job. MH Klaus Schwab, the founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), has decided to step down after over five decades. This signifies a significant transition, synonymous with global economic discussions and the annual Davos meeting. […]
Former US President Ronald Reagan once said, “Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation.” Posted on May 10, 2024By Dr Muriel Newman The fight for […]
The fact that cannibalism is even on the table is unpalatable. First they want you to eat bugs, now they want you to eat Grandma’s corpse. Or you could turn vegan. Personally, I take none of those options, thanks. MH Clown Planet Clown Planet276K subscribers
Leon Hill describes life in Iceland, a country with a comprehensive Digital ID system. – May 19, 2024 “You cannot NOT have a digital ID to live in Iceland. It’s impossible.” there is no privacy at all in Iceland… Anyone can look up where I live. The license plate of […]
Men “strawmanned” will destroy our society. How come it takes a car guy on a car guy’s YouTube channel to get fed up with the BS and tell the facts straight up and with the sats to prove it? MH Auto Expert John Cadogan Auto Expert John Cadogan 95,904 views […]
An investigation by The Independent uncovers the missteps, missed opportunities and political choices made by the Biden administration that allowed a famine to take hold in northern Gaza. With access to leaked documents, testimony from current and former officials and voices from Gaza, it paints a damning picture of an entirely preventable […]
The British government has issued a new guidebook to all sitting MPs to help them spot “conspiracy theories”. Kit Knightly – Off-Guardian May 8, 2024 Leader of the House Penny Mordaunt MP, who commissioned the guide, has warned that: The proliferation of conspiracy theories across the UK is deeply disturbing. They […]
On Wednesday May 1st, the House overwhelmingly passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act by a 320-91 vote, with only 21 Republicans joined by 70 Democrats against it. Joachim HagopianGlobal ResearchFri, 03 May 2024 On Wednesday May 1st, the House overwhelmingly passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act by a 320-91 vote, with only 21 Republicans joined by […]
Breaking insights into what the United States’ stance is towards China and the CCP’s efforts to collect, track, and edit the genome of every human being. You may be shocked by the evidence discussed. KAREN KINGSTONMAY 4 May 3, 2024: Eugenics is a set of beliefs and practices that aim to ‘improve […]