With the WHO seeking all member states to sign up for a legally binding accord that allows them to enforce lockdowns among other destructive and draconian measures, it’s time for a reminder of the nature and background of the man in the WHO hot-seat and where his loyalties lie. As […]
hidden agenda 2030
A new study from Northwestern University has concluded that the majority of “Covid19” patients put on a ventilator were actually killed by bacterial pneumonia, not the alleged virus. Kit KnightlyOffGuardianSat, 20 May 2023 You can read that paper here. This should not comes as a shock to any regular OffG reader […]
Please send this video to the Department of Defense (DoD). The NOAA weather satellite (goes 16 and 17) are both showing military locations of facilities, troops, and even ships / subs in the ocean! Not good. https://www.youtube.com/@dutchsinse This video is rated PG13 for slight language. I tried telling everyone in […]
The world is outraged about the agenda of the WHO and UN to normalize pedophilia through primary education. A US congresswoman is taking a bold stand against it, leading newspapers are alerting the public, renown physicians speak out, and international organizations rise up. From David Sorenson https://stopworldcontrol.com/ On May 6th 2023 […]
Grassroots Army presents another classic segment of a parent “Schooling the School Board”. This woman was particularly articulate and spoke from a position of experience. MH I particularly recommend subbing to this YT channel; gives hope for the future! 164,933 views May 21, 2023 GLENDALE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICTMom, Who Is […]
“Most long time truthers warned of this a decade and more back when folk snickered and called you a conspiracy theorist for even mentioning it. The New World Order (or the variations of that name) is no longer theory of any kind of course. It’s in your face fact. We’re now into […]
Another blow to the Woke “Zero emission” Utopia as EVs go up in smoke…literally. MH Duggan Flanakin cfact.org Now that the American Dream has been turned into a nightmare in part by overspending that has led to the highest interest rates in the 21st Century, it is high time to admit […]
Members of the gay community beginning to speak out against the extremism of the Trans-insanity and child grooming/recruitment. This lady isn’t alone in her condemnation. . Many lesbians, gays and bisexuals are no longer considering themselves to be a part of the LGBTQIA community and are starting to voice opposition […]
We are getting dangerously close to the “hot phase” of World War III, but most people in the Western world don’t even realize what is going on. endoftheamericandream.com via the BFD They simply trust our leaders when they tell us that we will never have to be directly involved in […]
Tens of thousands more Brits were dying than expected and experts aren’t quite sure why that is. From May to December last year, there were 32,441 excess deaths in England and Wales, excluding deaths from Covid. Kieren WilliamsMirrorThu, 11 May 2023 Excess deaths are defined as the number of people who […]