In recent days, the invasion of Russia has been at the forefront of international discussion. Despite the numerous losses, civilian deaths, displacement of people, and Putin’s aggression, the difficulty of demand and supply in the oil business remains one of the critical endpoints of the invasion. Nicholas The invasion […]

The World Health Organisation – heavily funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – wants countries to sign a Covid-19 treaty that would have the “WHO Constitution” take precedence over a country’s constitution during natural disasters and pandemics. 26 February 2022 The Buzz This would allow them to make their “guidelines” […]

Interesting “Big Picture” perspective and opinion on the Ukraine invasion scenario takes in the Covid agenda and bioweapons labs. MH John Kaminski – March 8, 2022 Klaus Schwab’s plan to abolishevery government in the worldput on hold by Ukraine invasion The total weight of all the termites in the […]

“Even for Joe Biden this is some insane bullshit!” MEME THE LEFT highlights the insanity that is the LEFT. The LEFT is a threat to a good functioning society. Please share memes that mock the LEFT, while we still can. Please also share the videos on this channel, to get […]

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, we receive and gladly publish this statement by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on the Russian-Ukraine crisis. Good reading. Marco Tosatti §§§ DECLARATION of Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop, Former Apostolic Nuncio to The United States of America on the Russia-Ukraine Crisis  Nothing is […]

Dear NZ Government: Take note. Regardless of one’s position on Putin’s occupation of Ukraine, it ought to be crystal clear where the CCP stands. Yet our clueless government in New Zealand thinks it’s a great idea to ask the CCP to “Help reign in” Putin. Does someone want to Email […]

This government has done everything in their power to divide Maori and those of European descent (I refuse to refer to them as Pakeha), but the protests prove that such divisions have failed miserably. We are all New Zealanders. And I thank God for that. by Christie 5 March, 2022 It […]
