Documentary information at source .
[ It’s true. I used to work there. is not a state broadcaster. It is a crown owned corporation – and an ailing cash cow. Ad revenue comes first – using the deeply flawed ‘ratings’ system – the flaws of which are passed on to ad agencies – which are […]
This old order of things is about to make itself extinct by its own hand. How can I say these people will make themselves obsolete and irrelevant? Do you remember when we use to go walking inside the indoor shopping malls? One of my favorite places to go is the […]
Amnesty International are calling on gullible people everywhere to sign a petiton to get Putin to “stop Assad”. They bitch that “Russia continues to supply arms to the Syrian regime” and that “Russia wants no enforced departure of President Assad”. They ignore the fact that the rebels are a creation […]
[ Sure hope it’s dying. HBO’s ‘The Newsroom’ kicks news in its naff nads ] [youtube]GggCB01ofFY[/youtube] [youtube]6E-ndv2O0KM[/youtube] [youtube]keaTb60IsCs[/youtube] [youtube]vMAEi_vWpSU[/youtube]
[ This from ‘Current Concerns’ – an outfit from Zurich that refer to themselves as ‘an international journal for independent thought, ethical standards, moral responsibility, and for the promotion and respect of public international law, human rights and humanitarian law. Well worth popping in your bookmarks, IMOHO ] For the sake […]
[ … because defending the indefensible – is hard ] What continues to be starkly apparent to me as I interact widely on social networking sites is that traditional hasbara, or the set of arguments used in the past to defend Israel’s right to exist or explain its right to […]
The mainstream media has let us down & it is now up to us, the public, to provide for ourselves services for which we have so long relied upon inherently corrupt corporates to provide.