The topic that was dangling at the forefront of most American’s minds at the end of 2011, and even seeping into the beginning of 2012, was the fate of the Internet. The Stop Online Piracy Act, discussed further below, whipped citizens into a frenzy and led to the largest Internet-based […]
[ I don’t usually watch Alex Jones. He yells a lot ( and who needs that ) and the music that he plays during his ad breaks just freaks me out. But – if you miss the sound of two educated, free thinking people chatting across a table about […]
A clip about the corrupt westminster system. His comments about how politicians claim a mandate for this and that after they are elected, much like king john is claiming for asset sales, are pertinent. Worth listening to, if you haven’t already. [youtube]_1UDxgTrR08[/youtube]
Banning media from reporting on the Arab Spring threw the governments into a battle with social media . – hijacked by an uncontrollable opposition propaganda genie. . [youtube]d1TDf4d8VnA[/youtube]
Poetry from the incisive Vanessa Ryan ~ Performed live at Theatres of Resistance, Waiheke Island, 2012 Brave new world one world ordered . when credit was cheap as chips after WWP world wide party fat credit cards the great spendathon new house car or holidays the money tree now dead […]
This amazing interview was done back in 1985 with a former KGB agent who was trained in subversion techniques. He explains the 4 basic steps to socially engineering entire generations into thinking and behaving the way those in power want them to. It’s shocking because our nation has been transformed […]
[ I haven’t been this religiously excited in decades. ] The Swedish government has formally recognised a “church” whose main belief is the right to file-share, in a move that is unlikely to be well-received by the Hollywood studios. [ But, since the folks who populate those Hollywood studios – are […]
A producer from the Arab satellite network Al Jazeera reveals the news channel fabricated stories on the unrest in Syria as he resigns in protest. Moussa Ahmed, a producer for Al Jazeera’s Beirut Bureau, is just one of the five Al-Jazeera employees that have resigned in the last couple of […]
Their youtube channel is here ~ Click ‘Subscribe’ for regular decensored global news updates The government of Germany has ordered the removal of the London based Press TV’s international English channel from their airwaves in the latest wave of western governments moving to silence the viewpoints expressed by the channel. […]
Brooker takes a satirical look back at the events of 2011, a year that included weddings both royal and gypsy, as well as riots across England and Wales, the phone-hacking scandal and the TV debut of Desperate Scousewives. [youtube]4coGerRh4ZI[/youtube] With contributions by American stand-up Doug Stanhope, Brian Limond, and Adam […]