[ A new canvas emerges … ] [youtube]dnOtP2q4SxM[/youtube] [ Would love to see someone put the World Trade Centre 7 Demolition on the side of a building downtown. ]
A step by step tutorial on how to delete and not just deactivate your Facebook account, your profile and all data – photos, videos, comments, status updates, friends and connections – associated with it. As I wrote in my article on “Why is Facebook bad“, there are plenty of […]
[ Yes. It. Is. The ‘Why’ is explained eloquently in the following video clip ] [youtube]1Y2WzlOMqlY[/youtube] The Real News is well worth subscribing to here https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRealNews if you’re a little sick of you as a New Zealand Herald World Section reader getting your understanding of events in South West Asia […]
Michael Vincent © 2012 While I share every thinking person’s growing concern over the net, and the intellectual freedom being threatened, it might be as well to highlight the recall motions that are flooding into state capitals and Washington, as I write these words. Thankfully, there are a large number of […]
[youtube]ngDDJndmFU8[/youtube] Press TV viewers in the UK can continue to watch the news channel via the following satellites or by visiting the following websites despite the British Office of Communications (Ofcom) removing the channel from the Sky platform. [ … which they did for some reason … ] You can […]
News bulletins around the world have been following Russia’s election rallies. But one channel stands out – America’s Fox News has been showing streets ablaze, violent clashes and firebombs thrown at security officers, but with one major problem – the images are not from Russia, they’re from Greece! . [youtube]iHGUpxtfcoc[/youtube]
Big media can’t compete with the Internet so they’re seeking to destroy it. They also want to change “innocent until proven guilty” while they’re at it. A handful of massive media companies have spent millions of dollars paying off Congressional crooks to ram through a “law” that essentially breaks the […]
[ false-flag, anyone ? ] Today the Feds raided the website MegaUpload, which led to the arrests of seven people across the globe, according to some reports. [youtube]_lXau4TDt7M[/youtube] Now the Hacktivist group, Anonymous, has come forth in retaliation to the crackdown and launched an attack on several websites including The […]