[ This fantastic doco is well worth a watch if you haven’t seen it. ] Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud, invented the public relations profession in the 1920s and was the first person to take Freud’s ideas and apply them to manipulating the masses. Bernays showed American corporations how […]
Remember, that conflicts in the Arab world since 1999 are being orchestrated on the following principles: 1) To protect the existence of the illegal state of Israel 2) To get direct control over the oil and strategic raw materials in the area 3) To encircle Russia and prepare bridgeheads for […]
[youtube]KGTJq8LnIQg[/youtube] We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.
Charlie Brooker explores the gulf between television and real life. Episode 1: Fear [youtube]AxQuHocBmxw[/youtube] [youtube]NXzMDlVcF54[/youtube] [ Newswipe, Screenwipe, and the rest of this current series are all available on youtube. ] H / t : Lommy the Lomster
This is an important video that may remind you how we got to where we are right now. Lifting the Veil from S DN on Vimeo. No – it’s not the fault of the people of the United States for what is going on – after all they voted for […]
The US is losing the global information war, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared while appearing before a congressional committee to ask for extra funds to spread US propaganda through new media. [youtube]LyjnEm8DZkI[/youtube] [ Israel also recently shelled out an additional $ 1.6 million for its own internet propaganda ( […]
[ … whoops … ] [youtube]vMFwrpXqUyk[/youtube]
In a world full of madness and chaos, you’ve got to keep your sense of humor or else you’ll go friggin’ nuts. The Vinny Eastwood Show is on the “cutting edge” of where the media is going. Armed with a camera and an amazing sense of humour Vinny aka Mr. […]
[ … anyone speak Arabic ? ] عبد اللطيف المناوى رئيس قطاع الاخبار المصرى اثناء اخذ الجيش له بعد طرده من قبل من المتظاهرين له امام مكتبه داخل التلفزيون المصرى [youtube]8C4APRUKYSo[/youtube]
Media & the Israel-Palestine Conflict provides a striking comparison of U.S. and international media coverage of the crisis in Palestine, zeroing in on how structural distortions in U.S. coverage have reinforced false perceptions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. [youtube]ycgi0hUihCs[/youtube] This pivotal documentary exposes how the foreign policy interests of American political […]