In this 1979 episode of 60 Minutes, Mike Wallace talks to President Ford and others about the Swine Flu vaccine of 1976. Note the admitted lack of safety and informed consent, even as TV ads frightened American citizens into getting a shot. Do you think anything has changed today? […]
The London Times newspaper has apparently censored scores of comments on its own website that expressed vehement opposition to plans by the UK government to implement a mandatory vaccination program for swine flu. read the full article
By Garth Franklin Thursday July 9th 2009 05:14AM Michael Moore’s new global financial crisis documentary has scored a title – “Capitalism: A Love Story” reportsVariety. The film takes a look at “the disastrous impact that corporate dominance and out-of-control profit motives have on the lives of Americans and citizens of the […]
By Charlie Brooker (Presenter of the BBC’s ‘Screenwipe’ & ‘Newswipe’ – Check them out on youtube) It’s all gone wrong. Our belief in everything has been shattered by a series of shock revelations that have shaken our core to its core. You can’t move for toppling institutions. Television, the economy, […]
13 July 09 Long time no see ! I think it has been a little bit over a month since my last post here and a lot has happened since then: The elections in Lebanon, Iran, events in China with the Muslims vs. sectarians and the continued expansion in Palestine. […]
by Mack White Sixty-four years ago this month, six million Americans became unwitting subjects in an experiment in psychological warfare. It was the night before Halloween, 1938. At 8 p.m. CST, the Mercury Radio on the Air began broadcasting Orson Welles’ radio adaptation of H. G. Wells’ War of […]
Tuma Hazou, former BBC and ABC Journalist in the Middle East, talks Israel & Hamas after a screening of ‘Edward Said, The Last Interview’. Filmed at Tivoli, Waiheke Island, New Zealand on the 4th of July 2009. Tuma was a refugee from Palestine in 1948.
UNCENSORED did a story on this a couple of years ago, but hey, we’re not mainstream so were ignored. But this IS mainstream, so here goes:–EU.html
Since writing the post on the Uncensored site about the use of 66 and 6 in the “swine” flu news in New Zealand on the 28th of April, a moderator at the Forum stated he had found a 66 and a 6 in “swine” flu news in the US, […]
60 MINUTES, Sunday November the 4th, 1979 “SWINE FLU” MIKE WALLACE: The flu season is upon us. Which type will we worry about this year, and what kind of shots will we be told to take? Remember the swine flu scare of 1976? That was the year the U.S. government […]