The Chinese are winning the war against The West without firing a single bullet. Asymmetrical warfare techniques clearly work. MH On Friday, Chinese forces committed their largest ever incursion into Taiwanese airspace, and in the Middle East, Iran rebel militias are attacking Saudi oil fields and building up missile stockpiles. […]
Military and Defense
For the Empire, truth as such has no meaning. An operation is successful or it is not – and that is all. There is no ‘Yes…but was it true?’ Nick Kollerstrom – Terror on the Tube March 20, 2021 Above: GCHQ Cheltenham. New UK Intel report The Empire aspires to […]
Wars and Rumors of Wars – BREAKING NEWS: ALL RUSSIA-NATO CONTACTS NOW “CUT-OFF” — FIERCE MILITARY CLASHES BEGIN IN EASTERN UKRAINE WORLD NEWS DESK 18 MARCH 2021 All contacts between Russia and NATO were suddenly and completely cut-off today, just hours after the United States “warned” all entities working on the NORDStream-2 pipeline to […]
Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov was recalled to Moscow, a few days ago. For those unaware of the significance: Russia is now on a war footing with America. by G Squared Expect the bullshit factories to run in overtime in America. Industrial level brown nosing by America and its current owners […]
“Death from above” via Military 5G as The Night of a Thousand Stars becomes reality! MH By B.N. Frank Cities AND entire countries have taken action to ban, delay, halt, and limit 5G installation AS WELL AS issue moratoriums. The majority of scientists worldwide oppose deployment. Recently, a 5G satellite moratorium was implemented in South Africa […]
In his first publicly acknowledged military act as commander-in-chief, President Joe Biden orders an assault on Syria, and proves that when it comes to solving the many problems of the region, he’s no better than Trump, or Obama. Scott RitterRTFri, 26 Feb 2021 President Biden ordered US military aircraft to strike […]
A US marine has been taken to hospital after testing positive for COVID-19 while in quarantine in Darwin by Ben Vidgen “the Dyslexic Detective” The 21-year-old is asymptomatic but has been taken to Royal Darwin Hospital. He recently arrived in the Northern Territory as part of the MRF-D training exercise […]
LISTEN CAREFULLY TO THE FOLLOWING, and READ CAREFULLY WHAT I HAVE PREVIOUSLY WRITTEN CONCERNING THIS CURRENT DEEP STATE ATTEMPTED COUP FROM 3/11/2020. by G Squared Cheyenne Mountain mentioned: This is The US Central Military Command, not The Pentagon. Orange remains Commander-in-Chief. Biden is not. Biden is not President. Orange remains […]
Strange coincidence isn’t it? The US Capitol sure looks like its under martial law amid voter fraud protest. And what happens in Myanmar ? hmmm… Here’s an update straight from the Myanmar Times: Myanmar to clarify voter fraud, hold new round of elections | The Myanmar Times ( Meanwhile, with […]
I can write the following as some public domain information is pending over the next few days. There is no current civil war, for a reason. And indeed: Orange should have acted in 2017. by G Squared 1/2/21 On 9/9/1776: The United Colonies became The United States of America. British […]