On March 26 President Trump, now relieved of the burden of the Russiagate investigation holding back his administration, made the important strategic announcement that America will be reviving the John F. Kennedy space program to bring humanity back to the Moon, with the intention of leaping onwards to Mars. Matthew […]
Military and Defense
Could be just the beginning of many revelations: Remember the letter at GHW’s funeral? Are the floodgates about to open or is this just a storm in a teacup? Tyler DurdenZero HedgeFri, 15 Mar 2019 16:16 UTC © Associated Press/FileSaddam Hussein waves to supporters in Baghdad, Wednesday, October 18, 1995. […]
The Pentagon wants to explore the utility of a neutral particle-beam weapon in orbit as a missile defense weapon, according to its 2020 budget proposal. It’s just one of many ways the US is rushing to become the first nation to introduce weapons into space. SputnikFri, 15 Mar 2019 14:19 […]
After causing a meltdown in British tabloids over the “hallucinating effect” it might cause, Russia’s Filin visual optical interference device, fitted to some Navy ships, has been captured in action by the Russian defense channel. Russia Today – March 11, 2019 After causing a meltdown in British tabloids over the […]
Received From Tom Dickey as a comment on a related postBut it will get more views as a separate item. Thanks Tom! And please, support this guys: The House of Representatives recently passed a watered-down version of the “USA Freedom Act” – originally intended to curb abuses related to NSA […]
There’s a reason Winston Peters has been a mainstay of NZ politics for so long: A good old Kiwi bloke who calls a spade a spade, as his straight-talk over former NZ soldier turned ISIS Jihadi, Mark Williams, indicates. Here’s the NZ Herald wih more: Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters […]
Not often I feature mainstream news items these days, but this Newsweek article has some interesting geopolitical comment: Between America, Europe and Russia, Who Wins? China Ariel Cohen © STR/AFP/Getty Images Chinese soldiers carry the flags of (L to R) the Communist Party, the state, and the People’s Liberation Army […]
The backlash and legal action against the Emergency Declaration has begun, and of course Trump fully expected it. He seems to be constantly one step ahead: Will it be any different this time? The president did make the Border Wall a major election promise, and he seems determined, by hook […]
Stay alert, LA: I think this may be related to potential forthcoming seismic activity: secureteam10 Published on Feb 8, 2019 Subscribed 2M ➨Secureteam Shirts! http://secureteam.spreadshirt.com Our Live Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hlpo… Mystery plane article: https://bit.ly/2RPy0OC Consider becoming a monthly supporter & get awesome perks: https://www.patreon.com/TheSecureteam ➨E-mail me your ideas & footage: TheSecureteam@gmail.com […]
You know what? We’re going to spare you the “Armageddon” reference that we had planned and just jump straight to the lede on this one. Gart Williams Wednesday, 06 February 2019 NASA has teamed up with the European Space Agency (ESA) to in what many are calling the first planetary defense […]