A new technology in which insects are used to genetically modify crops could be converted into a dangerous, and possibly illegal, bioweapon, alleges a Science Policy Forum report released today. Naturally, the organization leading the research says it’s doing nothing of the sort. by George Dvorsky, Gizmodo The report is […]
Military and Defense
The trade war between the US and China is turning into a hot war with every passing day. From Tyler Durden, Zerohedge: Published: October 4, 2018 As we reported on Monday, Chinese ships came to actively confronting the USS Decatur while the US ship was carrying out yet another in […]
The lack of consent and consultation are my main concerns here. We all know how fast we’ve had to work on last minute submissions here in NZ. Time windows to register our views with officialdom have been ridiculously brief, and even then I suspect it’s all just tokenism. Regardless of […]
DARPA has been working on brain-micro chip interfaces for several years now (probably longer in the “black”) for everything from memory boosting to remote control of warfighting equipment. Here’s the latest as reported by Sputnik News: The US military’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has created a brain-computer interface […]
It appears this guy has been watched and targeted by the Brits for some time: Mainly because of his exposure of the use of DU/Nuke weapons in Iraq by coalition forces, which has poisoned the environment for decades to come and resulted in horrific birth defects. The story appeared in […]
It was fun poling holes in the recent story about a tiny hole poked in the International Space Station which an astronaut held his finger over until Russian cosmonauts patched it with a modern version of chewing gum and duct tape. Funny stuff … until it was revealed that the […]
That’s not so far away, and requires a new super powerful launch system! The Gateway moniker rouses my interest. Possible connection to Christchurch NZ Gateway (Mars Mission training in Antarctica)? Here’s the article from Futurism: https://futurism.com/nasa-deep-space-gateway-2024/ See Also https://www.nasa.gov/topics/moon-to-mars/lunar-outpost
This guy is a joy to listen to. Smart, funny, and filled with incredible tales and experiences. https://youtu.be/e5nJA8Hkvyc UAMN TV Published on Aug 21, 2018 Space technology expert and former Area 51 rocket designer David Adair will show you visuals and graphics of what the Aerospace Community had intended to […]
Trump Says Reports on China Hacking Clinton’s Classified Emails ‘Very Big Story’ The Daily Caller has reported citing a former intelligence official and a government staff official, both of whom were briefed on findings of the Intelligence Community Inspector General, that Chinese-owned company in the Washington, DC area was able […]
I wonder if this is a directed energy weapon? Could this be behind all the recent wildfires? Or is it a sonic weapon or a Satellite killer? Or is it all just US propaganda? Mystery Russian satellite’s behaviour raises alarm in US A mysterious Russian satellite displaying “very abnormal behaviour” […]