Covid masks are a potent symbol of the West’s headlong flight from Enlightenment values Peter HitchensThe Critic MagazineSat, 26 Sep 2020 The long retreat of law, reason and freedom has now turned into a rout. It was caused by many things: the mob hysteria which flowered after the death of […]
We’ll soon have thought police exploring our private lives Frank FurediRTSun, 27 Sep 2020 Silence the wolf whistles, don’t say ‘you look lovely in lycra’ to that woman at the gym, and don’t tweet about transgender women not being real women. You could be breaking the law and be charged. […]
Boy Have I Got a Deal for You! By Juana Atkins -September 25, 2020 The BFD Never has the saying “truth is stranger than fiction” rung more true. BFD’s Believe it or Not. The following lump sums of cash were paid out by Ardern’s government from theArts Continuity Grant, a COVID-19 response […]
Censorship is what tyrants do. From Gary D. Barnett at “If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.” ~ John Stuart Mill, On Liberty ch. […]
Marxism reinvents through history. A hundred million killed in over a hundred years in a hundred countries. The labels and packaging are changed. Utopianism is pushed to the spectrum by the intellectualized, delusional, moralized, and disengaged, to the vengeful, resentful and insane. All the fodder with the agenda of the […]
As we get whale strandings in Northern Australia and earthquake lights over Philippines (same longitude as the Artemis /Elon Musk Olympic Defender satellite which pass over whales Scotland northern Europe arctic circle) were getting strandings in west Ireland, Norway. Different sky same satellite orbit as Starlink and both have powerful radar and are in areas of […]
Worst Abortion law in the World is NZ. Is this how you want to be portrayed to the world, Kiwis? Via Rose at You’d think that a global pandemic that’s killed hundreds of thousands would at least temper the advance of legal killing. It hasn’t. While headlines worldwide were […]
With much of Europe struggling to contain a second wave of coronavirus infections, a Danish professor has claimed that the pandemic “may be finished” in Sweden, thanks to herd immunity. RTSat, 19 Sep 2020 Sweden recorded 224 cases of Covid-19 on Thursday, a number roughly on par with daily new infections […]
NAZI Germany. Stalinist Russia. Communist China. The COVID World Order. What’s the difference? All based on fear. Fear is bred through ignorance. It came to this because we warned the people and they wouldn’t listen. Knowledge is power, but they sat back and failed to utilise that knowledge.Instead, they listen […]
Treason is a strong word. Is it justified regarding the COVID 19 agenda? Kiwi4Justice examines the case. MH By Kiwi4Justice via EWRThese are unprecedented times in history around the world and in New Zealand right now. Deeply troubling things occurring that just make no rational sense. Is there something else […]