Queen Elizabeth has approved British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s request to suspend parliament according to a statement from the Queen’s advisers, known as the Privy Council. “It is this day ordered by Her Majesty in Council that the Parliament be prorogued on a day no earlier than Monday the 9th […]
The Tavistock Institute is dedicated to re-engineering society to serve the Illuminati. It’s time we told politicians, media and “educators” that we are tired of being messed with and lied to. This article exposes their hand in all the bizarreness. We should not underestimate the Evil we face. The Tavistock Method of Brainwashing and Social Psychiatry by Russ […]
At the height of the Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstration and the crossroads of the U.S.-China trade talks, Zooming In host Simone Gao interviewed former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. They discussed Hong Kong’s future, what’s next for the U.S.-China trade war, the stakes for all parties, and above all, […]
The AIM-AFI research teams reviewed the Grassley – Johnson Investigation of the DOJ’s and FBI’s Handling of the Clinton Investigation. Their initial findings are highlighted below the audio. Listen to Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben talk about these national security crimes. Hillary is a Chinese Agent Hillary was our first […]
In the aftermath of the most recent attacks by Antifa terrorists against conservative groups in Portland, Oregon, some Democrats are now proclaiming that Antifa is actually just a misunderstood, “peaceful” group of resisting patriots that’s merely trying to “safeguard” the city of Portland against far-right Nazis. (Natural News) According to […]
Some guidance in how to hold your local council accountable for their possible involvement with the roll out of 5G. Please read full info at the link. See also the related information at the website. From Pam Vernon at EWR From saveusnow.org.uk All United Kingdom and Common Wealth residents can […]
The main problem with the US economy is that globalism has been deconstructing it. Paul Craig Roberts The main problem with the US economy is that globalism has been deconstructing it. The offshoring of US jobs has reduced US manufacturing and industrial capability and associated innovation, research, development, supply chains, […]
Suicide? Assassination? False Flag? If he’s alive, then where is he hiding? We examine the controversial Epstein “gurney photo” and join some dots to present some interesting speculation! By Martin Harris 24/8/19 I doubt there are too many well informed and awake readers here who buy the official suicide story. […]
Must Read! Important link and information from 5g.org.nz. Act now: Time is of the essence! Read it and share it. PLEASE: Share this link as quickly and as widely as you can! Thanks.
Cryptic but intriguing information on the Epstein affair from our contributor G Squared: (I added the Clinton images and link to the Red Shoe info, MH) Very complex and involved affair. Connects; New York Cops, FBI, DOJ, and a number of ‘circles’. Volumes of material. Well beyond Deep State alone. […]