Venezuela & Iran: Whither the revolutions? By Eric Walberg Axis of Logic Thursday, Jul 2, 2009 June was a busy month for two of Washington’s real ‘Axis of Evil’. Venezuela’s Chavez completed his nationalisation of oil and Iran’s Ahmedinejad stemmed a Western-backed colour revolution, leaving both bad boys in place, […]
Source: Key figures in global battle against illegal arms trade lost in Air France crash ARGENTINA: Argentine campaigner Pablo Dreyfus and Swiss colleague Ronald Dreyer battled South American arms and drug traffickingFrom Andrew McLeod AMID THE media frenzy and speculation over the disappearance of Air France’s ill-fated Flight 447, […]
By Melody Petersen Prescription pill dependency among American troops is on the rise. read A car has crashed into a crowd watching a parade involving Dutch Queen Beatrix and her family, killing four people and seriously injuring several others. The car eventually careered into a monument, narrowly missing an open-topped bus carrying the royals. No members of the royal family were hurt in […]
Friday, 24 April 2009, 9:11 am Press Release: Green Party Green Party Confirms Co-Leader as Mt Albert Nominee Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman has been nominated as a Green candidate for the Mt Albert by-election. A selection meeting convenes next Wednesday to consider his nomination. “Russel is our only nominee […]
If the CIA is so worthy an institution, why have those responsible for 9/11 not yet been punished? US President Barack Obama has told the CIA it remains key to protecting the country, days after releasing memos on its harsh interrogation techniques. In a visit to CIA HQ to boost […]
I have little to say at the moment on the details of the Bush torture memos released by the Obama Administration, beyond what I have been writing for many years now about these sickening practices, and what they say about America’s bipartisan, imperial elite, which countenanced them, and often openly […] — The mainstream media plays dumb about the real meaning of the tea parties. CNN’s “divide and conquer” strategy against the American people backfires. Watch the YouTube here. This is how it should have been reported: Watch here. Related: Flashback: In 2006, CNN’s Roesgen Joked About Bush/Hitler Mask Watch: […]
How are the police being trained and why are they being trained to treat the public as an enemy? Watch a collection of videos passed to the Guardian that appear to show police using excessive force against G20 protesters In the fortnight since the G20 protests in London, the […]