https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hCkNsAz79c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-zsSxEwfAs “THE LAST NAIL OF SO-CALLED SCHOOL REFORM is being struck in the coffin of traditional American education which made our nation the envy of the Free World and which produced famous scientists, engineers, mathematicians, writers, artists, musicians, doctors, etc. The reform is not new. It started in the […]

Source: examiner.com “The federal government has stood by as officials who approved torture and degrading treatment have stood above the law, escaping even investigation into their actions. This impunity for potential human rights abuses harms our national values, and our interests.” ~ People’s Campaign for the Constitution ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Secretly and […]


Source: Russia Today rt.com You want to know what news sends chills down the spines of the world’s governments? Not “rogue regimes’” purported saber rattling. Not even bad economic data coming out of Wall Street. It’s news like this: “The search giant Google and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency are […]
