Russia moving on saturday (12/2/2022) to stand off Ireland, is a genuine issue. It dramatically shortens the already astonishing and unique missile flight time to continental America; the purpose. Over six kilometers a second, flat on the water line. Totally undetectable, in every regard. Russia has a first strike policy […]

The Hatchard Report: The use of brute force rather than dialogue in Parliament Square today is a reflection of a long standing imbalance in healthcare and an arrogant political misunderstanding of what science is. Before the pandemic modern medical healthcare was already in crisis. In the USA medical misadventure had become […]

While they have finally dropped the “Anti Vaxxer” smear, the MSM still don’t get it! What is this protest about? Opinion by Martin Harris Yesterday morning I put together an article (link below) that was posted as the police moved in on the occupiers and protestors in Wellington. I suggested […]

Mainstream Media reports on the Wellington situation have been mixed and confusing. But what does one expect? Is this protest over or just heating up? As the protest stemming from the Freedom Convoy reaches it’s third day, we’ve had figures ranging from a “a few hundred disruptive protestors” to “a […]

If you’ve been vaccinated and still feel mortally threatened by the virus, please read this. John TierneyCity JournalSun, 06 Feb 2022 It’s obviously not easy to give up fear of Covid-19, to judge from a recent survey showing that the vaccinated are actually more frightened than the unvaccinated. Another survey found that most Democratic […]

Updates and coverage thanks very much to Pam Vernon at EWR Update Tues 8 Feb 22: The NZ convoy of protesters is now in Wellington at Parliament. I’ve read in an RNZ article the PM does not intend to speak with protesters (of course, no surprises there from the ‘one source of truth’). I’ve also […]

GoFundMe Whistleblowers: Thieves who stole and misappropriated ten million dollars from the Freedom protest. Here’s their address! The face of GoFundMe: Cops take Freedom Trucker’s fuel We will update as the situation progresses. Martin SEE ALSO: GoFundMe Seizes $10 Million of Trucker Protest Fundraising, Will Give to Charities Instead » […]

Omicron Finds Vaccinated People Spread COVID at Same Rate as Unvaccinated: Several Governments in Spain Scrapped COVID Passports Following the Study’s Release. The first Spanish study on how the Omicron variant of COVID-19 infects, incubates, and transmits was recently concluded by the Public Health Observatory of Cantabria. The findings, which have not […]
