Civil War was planted in the minds of Americans earlier in the year via both movies and various news media portals. Recently it has re-emerged as a potential reality with both sides of the political divide pointing the finger. So who gains from this chaos? Curiously, the likes of alleged […]
Zelensky finally presented his long awaited ‘Victory Plan’ to nation and Rada alike. Simplicius Oct 17, 2024 Hear the pathological delusion presented as “plan” for yourself in all its demented glory: Note in point three above, the translated word “restraint” is supposed to be “deterrence”. Most even on the Ukrainian […]
Interesting find on Chinese Social Media by Jennifer Zheng. Perhaps “Did assist Hezbollah” might be more appropriate if this posting is correct. MH Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng14 The CCP’s IT Team Assists Hezbollah! According to rumors on Chinese social media: The IT team sent by the CCP to assist […]
While the US has its focus on Ukraine and the Middle East, China performs a blockade drill in potential WW3 flashpoint Taiwan. South China Morning Post reports: “The People’s Liberation Army announced on Monday evening that it had wrapped up its blockade drills around Taiwan, saying it had “fully tested […]
“I don’t think there is an implicit obligation for the United States to follow like a stupid mule whatever the Israelis do. If they decide to start a war, simply on the assumption that we’ll automatically be drawn into it, I think it is the obligation of friendship to say, […]
Things have gone from bad to worse for Ukraine. Zelensky is again traveling the globe in an attempt to form some type of international consensus for ending the conflict. Simplicius Oct 11, 2024 After half a year of deliberately obfuscating propaganda about Russia “desperately” chasing a ceasefire, it has emerged […]
Blue Beam is my favorite topic and one I’ve researched and written about for years. The Why Files team really nailed it with this presentation. Hats off to AJ Gentle and his goldfish. And PLEASE, visit YouTube and give these guys a “like” to help ’em out! Project Blue Beam: […]
“Masses of dead bodies have been left to rot,” as Hurricane Helene’s destruction is far worse than reported. From Vigilat Fox newsletter Gen. Flynn confirms the true death count is upwards of a thousand people, which is four times higher than what the media is reporting. What’s even more alarming […]
Tim Waltz vs. J.D. Vance VP debate: Witness what happened in its full glory. The Vigilant Fox Oct 02, 2024 Walz thought he was ready for J.D. Vance—he was wrong. What started as a debate quickly turned into a one-sided beatdown. Here’s how it all went down. J.D. Vance opened […]
Trump and Zelensky have a history, but many MSM outlets called their latest meeting “awkward”. Trump wants to end the war with Russia expediently, but are he and Zelensky on the same page? Who is actually profiting from war in Ukraine? 30/9/24 “deep dive” by Martin Harris According Nigerian (!) […]