The screams about Syria have gone quiet. Just as Iraq went quiet when The WMD Lie, The American Genocides (Oil for Food), and IS stagings were exposed. Russian Forces in Syria have defeated IS and their handlers; American Special Forces. How sad are the MSM deceptions. As with Vietnam; the […]
Always controversial and informative! David Icke’s perspective on recent events, focussing on Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the Israel capital (Special mention of Kushner), and Jewish/Israel history. Related;
Top of the list. Hard to beat. $9 trillion missed, and counting. But who cares? The IRS having a problem collecting its ‘Voluntary’ Tax draws no pity. The argument that others will pay, is spurious and aimed to be devisive and deliver some fictional moral ethic. People pay tax. […]
The GITMO Affair is to America’s enduring and permanent historic shame. As if Vietnam were not enough. As if the use of; Atomic, Biological, and Chemical Weapons were not enough. As if Genocides were not enough! America has Secret Prisons in Afghanistan, Egypt, Netherlands, Germany, Turkey, Italy, and Israel. Why? […]
Trump is providing sensational fodder for the MSM yet again: ReTweeting “Far Right” videos to open up discussion about Muslim extremism. Paranoia-mongering or valid concerns? Terror can come from within as well as from outside, regardless of what walls one builds. Should we start “walling” the internet? Novus Ordo […]
By Martin Harris Between the corporate madness of my day job and the fascinating but generally serious world of Uncensored News, I sometimes need to distract the old brain matter with some light entertainment. Ironically, it was one such occasion that inspired the composing of this blog. Anyone familiar with […] Soros gave $18 Billion to his ‘Open Society’. It in turn ‘bought’ The European Parliament to push The NWO and block Brexit. It failed. As it failed in The 2016 US Election. The EU has bankrupted itself, as well as Germany, France, Greece, Italy, and Portugal. It’s currently working […]
Gratitude for a Country that Once Deserved Thanks Lament for a Society of Shame The celebration of Thanksgiving has lost its purpose over the centuries. Consider the meaning of George Washington’s 1789 Thanksgiving Proclamation: Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to […]
Anti-Abortionists are acting to protect The Rights of the child unable to represent itself. It is not the illusion of woman making choices concerning their bodies. It is not THEIR bodies that are at issue. But this is the level of their ignorance and arrogance. And then we had the […]