Source: Sex robots could soon be used to keep the elderly company in care homes and help couples enjoy long distances sexual relationships, the Foundation for Responsible Robotics (FRR) has said. There are currently four manufacturers making life-like robotic dolls worldwide, but experts predict that in coming decades they […]
Trump’s Choices Paul Craig Roberts Donald Trump as President of the United States was humanity’s hope, or, I should say, the hope of that part of humanity aware of the danger inherent in provoking conflict between nuclear powers. For two decades, the Clinton, George W. Bush, and […]
Hillary’s new book: It’s Never My Fault by Jon Rappoport July 31, 2017 This is an antidote to Hillary’s new book, titled, “What Happened,” which I would sub-title, Why Was I So Clueless? The book purports to explain her loss in the 2016 election. What would Hillary think if she […] Max Igan is a veteran researcher, film-maker, political activist, artist, speaker and author. He has covered a wide range of diverse topics, and at the core of his work lies one simple question: where is humanity heading? In this 2 part interview, Ole Dammegard poses important questions about the […]
They voted both FOR Trump, and AGAINST Sick Mama. They voted for policies and a promise of a rational future, as against stupidity. The Democratic Party has no Champion and no Message. At this time they are attempting to gain traction by slogans and stickers of negativity against Republican candidates. […]
The good old days: Brian Williams, Diane Sawyer, Scott Pelley—and Salvador Dali by Jon Rappoport July 25, 2017 Salvador Dali, surrealist, was one of the most reviled painters of the 20th century. He disturbed Conventional Folk who just wanted to see an apple in a bowl on a table. Dali’s […]
The Russian Orthodox Church has regained control of Russia after a 100 year denial. The legitimate Christian Churches have wrested control of America. Nostradamus wrote of the Last Black Pope. To be read of Obama and more than skin colour. He also wrote of two fires from the sky (9/11). […]
This is a little game called Join the Dots. Each one of these people were in The Craft. Many reached 33 degrees. US Presidents. George Washington, James Monroe, Andrew, Jackson, James Polk, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, James Garfield, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, Howard Taft, Warren Harding, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, […]
By Ellen Brown Illinois is teetering on bankruptcy and other states are not far behind, largely due to unfunded pension liabilities; but there are solutions. The Federal Reserve could do a round of “QE for Munis.” Or the state could turn its sizable pension fund into a self-sustaining public bank. […]
Is this really the future of healthcare in America? The Press25 Jul 2017NICK ALLEN PHOTOS: REUTERS People wait to receive medical and dental care at the Remote Area Medical Clinic in Wise, Virginia. “This organisation was designed to parachute into the most God-awful places. I expected to see stuff like […]