Beware of the Obama hype. What ‘change’ in America really means JOHN PILGER 12 Nov 2008 In his latest column for the New Statesman, John Pilger writes that the lauding of Barack Obama has a history and that ‘historical moments’ ought to be less about their symbolism and accompanying histrionics […]

By Mike Molyneaux 18 Oct 2008 It’s becoming increasingly clear to sober minds that the world is heading slowly towards a global crisis that will stem from over-exploitation and pollution of natural resources, food and energy shortages, famine, disease, toxicity and possibly radiation sickness from nuclear proliferation. Many writers […] By Jason Miller 9/14/08 Savage animal slaughterer that she is, it’s apt that Sarah Palin has now brutally plunged a razor-sharp knife into the very heart of the seemingly invincible doubts concerning her capacity to be Vice-President of the United States. Wielding her chutzpah with the awe-inspiring deftness with […]


Slowly I Turned and Step by Step, Inch by Inch, America Falls There was an old comic routine that the Three Stooges used to do that was called, "Slowly I Turned ." As I look at the world these days that routine comes to mind. A presumably sane person is […] Time pressures preclude proper blogging today, but as our astute commenter Scott Douglas notes, Seamus Milne has an excellent commentary on Georgia and Russia in today’s Guardian, so I’m just going to expropriate great swathes of it here: The outcome of six grim days of bloodshed in the Caucasus […]

Naomi Klein Posted August 7, 2008 | 10:08 AM (EST) So far, the Olympics have been an open invitation to China-bash, a bottomless excuse for Western journalists to go after the Commies on everything from internet censorship to Darfur. Through all the nasty news stories, however, the Chinese government […]


Is Chris Trotter good company? Not if we are to choose our friends on their looks. Foreword by Simon Taylor You might already have seen this. You might not have. Worth a read. Classic Trotter-waving – the sort the left are wary of these days. To the point of […]

As with Naomi Klein, when Scott Ritter has something to say, I stop and listen…Sorry Jon, but I think there will be a terrible war with Iran.  I think what we’re experiencing is false hope and the “calming of the storms” for the election.  They always do that and they […]
