Of peace, liberty, and the truth by Justin Raimondo, August 17, 2011 https://original.antiwar.com/justin/2011/08/16/the-media-is-the-enemy/ Ron Paul is getting more publicity out of not getting publicity in the wake of his virtual tie with Bachmann in the Ames poll than he’s gotten to date. Suddenly everyone’s noticing the “mainstream” media is trying […]

THE Battle for TRUE Freedom Are you looking for a way out of the System? Do you want justice for the false-flag terror attacks in the U.S., U.K. and elsewhere? Do you want to end the endless wars in the Middle East that are bankrupting both the U.S. and the […]

Claudia Calvo Yesterday I saw this excellent BBC video, interviewing CIA analysts, foreign policy experts, etc.  Their opinion is remarkable, namely that the present “War on Terror” is a huge political tool to regain power over the people of the world –after the death of their previous Hen of the Golden […]
