A sample of COVID lockdown protest signs and graffiti from around Christchurch recently. I was amused to see several news agencies reporting with horror at the awful “conspiracy” graffiti “defacing” central Christchurch, especially by the Bridge Of Remembrance war memorial and right outside the council offices. It’ pertinent to note […]
Ignore What Ardern Says – Look at What She is Doing By Suze -August 16, 2020 the BFD A friend travelling to work on the first day back in lockdown said he was shocked at the huge police presence manning roadblocks to stop people entering and leaving Auckland City without good reason […]
“The Earth holds an infinite profusion of seeds. Seeds contain forms and worlds yet to germinate; the roots, leaves and flowers of the entire plant are invisibly enclosed in the seed….The seed’s capacity to engender new life seems to derive from the imprint of patterns carried through the ages. The […]
I’ve been interested in how Sweden handled Covid-19 as they have a population size similar to ours but did not lock the country down. By Jo at Red Sky in the Morning Here’s an article by Sebastian Rushworth, a practicing physician in Stockholm, Sweden.Summing up his report, he said, “the […]
Comedy Hour has begun… Get out the popcorn, it’s not going to stop until Nov.4. by G Squared 16/8/20 Indian Kamala’s face surgery, had the fake cheek bones inserted from inside the mouth. One could suggest a prior event had her fake brain inserted by a similar procedure, as it’s […]
Let’s see her explain this one away! From The BFD By Cam Slater At the beginning of the adjournment debate the Prime Minister made a mistake…or did she? She opened with: I move, That the House do now adjourn until 2 p.m. on Tuesday, 18 August 2020. That never made sense […]
Short answer? The Chinese government. For the long answer, read on! MH Source – stuartbramhall.wordpress.com – “…Head straight into Belt and Road as well as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Go East, the Eurasian way. The port and even a great deal of the devastated city, in the medium term, can be […]
Labelled as “paranoid” and “dark” by the MSM, Judith Collins and Jerry Brownlee hint at COVID coverups and conspiracies. Better late than never! Dark, definitely, but paranoid? I’m sure most Uncensored readers would call this logical dot-joining, despite the attempt by MSM news source Newsroom to ridicule the National opposition […]
Hungary and Brazil now join Russia, The UK, and The US, in the fight against Globalist Socialism. Pressures in France and Italy, will add them to this list. by G Squared 12/8/20 The EU became the epitomy of the theory of The New World Order. All decisions made by bureaucratic, […]
Well, you can’t say you weren’t warned. I’m not going to waste any breath. There’s nothing to say that hasn’t already been said. Martin has no comment…