Roderic O’Gorma, Minister for Children in Ireland, was recently outed as being a deviant pederast. He marched right beside British LGBT rights campaigner Peter Tatchell at Dublin’s Pride march several years ago. July 10, 2020 Sinead Here are Tatchell’s words from The Guardian – one of the largest newspapers in England, […]
From Jeff Wefferson “IS THERE A GOD?” “Historians like to tell the story of back when all the computers were linked together to become a super-computer that knew everything. They had a big ceremony where they turned on the computer and asked it a question no one had ever answered adequately. They […]
BLM’s Footsoldiers May Be Stupid and Ignorant, but Their Leaders Aren’t. By Lushington D. Brady -July 9, 2020 The political use of terror is intended to win, as its name suggests, by terrorising its target. Fundamentally, terrorism aims to create disorder and demoralise a society, weakening its resistance. When inflicted by powerful groups, the […]
London-based artist Andrew Thorpe recently installed an “artwork” in Takaka that read “white silence is compliance” in bold black and white font. The residents rubbed out the word “white.” Good on them. What a hateful thing to paint. By Jo Blogs, Red Sky In The Morning And I wouldn’t call that “art.” […]
Witch hunts, excommunication and iconoclasm are back with a vengeance. Dominic FrisbySp!kedMon, 29 Jun 2020 How much of what went on in the Middle Ages and early-modern periods do we look back on with abhorrence and a certain amount of perplexity? Burning witches at the stake, lynch mobs, self-flagellation – […]
“If you subsidize something you get more of it. And that’s why we are getting more COVID cases.” Ron Paul – The Ron Paul Institute June 29, 2020 For months, the Washington Post and the rest of the mainstream media kept a morbid Covid-19 “death count” on their front pages […]
Featuring Max Igan, always a man worth listening to. daily MOTIVATION “Many people are completely unaware of this!” Special thanks to Max Igan. YT –… Website –
Biden is protected by brain doubles as HRC used the two body doubles. (…about which I wrote in 2016, and subsequently.) by G Squared 24/6/20 When Trump cleared Minneapolis, there were a number of arrests. The bails for which were met by The Biden Campaign Account. Trump cleared Washington. Subsequently […]
It’s a fair question, is it not? by Martin Harris 22/6/20 It seems to be the trend right now to knock down statues of notable figures deemed to be evil. Especially those who have been involved in slavery and colonization (domination). So how about of the symbol of all evil, […]
Viruses don’t discriminate based on politics, but many Democrat governors and mayors sure seem to do so. Boris EpshteynNewsweekFri, 12 Jun 2020 Democratic leaders’ sudden about-face in response to the protests, rioting and looting that have followed the tragic killing of George Floyd proves that their earlier condescending condemnations of […]