I have a masochistic streak. Only explanation for my obsession with TV news. Drives me mad, but I can’t stop watching. by Martin Harris 9/6/20 Tonight was little different from any other night on the news. Propaganda, misinformation, diversion and extreme bias in reporting as per norm. TV One headlined […]
They’re both engineered to eventually achieve DEPOPULATION of the human race Mike Adams – Natural news June 3, 2020 The pandemic lockdowns and riots were rolled out in back-to-back fashion, crushing the U.S. economy and spreading fear, violence and unprecedented economic destruction. What do both events have in common? They were […]
The following blog was originally published in January. Six months, one pandemic lockdown and subsequent riots and protests later, it has acquired fresh relevance. It is the author’s opinion that the George Floyd incident was the trigger that pushed the narrative into it’s next phase. This doesn’t mean I think […]
Todd Muller, the new National party leader got a verbal bashing in New Zealand for owning a Trump hat. It’s politically incorrect. So what? It’s better than those pink pussy hats worn by women protesting Trump’s inauguration. by Jo Blogs, Red Sky In The Morning We should worry more about the things […]
Under the radar while we’re all COVID-ised all sorts are going on. 1080 drops are going down like a carpet-bombing campaign. Solutions? See my comments below the article MH JACINDA’S MAGIC MONEY TREE – LIST OF 1080 OPERATIONS BELOW By Carol Sawyer via EWR Never have I seen so many […]
In the hypothetical Lock Step Scenario, Police State measures end in pushback from the oppressed population. Has a recent incident in Minneapolis provided the trigger to the real-life COVID Lock Step? by Martin Harris 30/5/20 How many times do we see this scenario played out somewhere in the US? White […]
Don’t you just love “anti-misinformation” material that contradicts it’s own remit? Earlier today I read a “COVID Mythbuster” poster that raised my ire for several good reasons, one among which was the now-familiar “5G towers do not cause COVID-19” lecture. by Martin Harris 26/5/20 5G does not cause COVD-19? yes, […]
Possibly the best essay on the COVID 19 situation I’ve read: Watch for mention of NZ’s draconian new laws. MH Israel Shamir – The Unz Review May 22, 2020 I like conspiracy theories; they attempt to inject meaning into otherwise meaningless sets of assorted facts. They bring Logos into our […]
One brave MP stands up for freedom! “A bill which effectively gives one person enormous powers…will impact New Zealander’s lives in ways I suspect they can barely comprehend…to use fear…blackmail…when human societies lose their freedom it’s not because some tyrant has taken it away, it’s usually because people willingly surrender […]
The evidence is stacking against the so-called “green” EV technology alternative. We’ve done several articles on the pros and cons of lithium-ion, hydrogen cell and old-school internal combustion power before (links below). No one is claiming internal combustion is clean by any stretch, but the myth that EVs are a […]