VIPS warn that Trump’s policies regarding Venezuela appear to be on a slippery slope that could take us toward war in Venezuela and military confrontation with Russia. MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT: Avoiding War with Russia over Venezuela Mr. President: Your Administration’s policies […]
Yes, it’s time for another refreshingly un-PC opinion piece from G Squared! Consume, obey, enjoy:) In Dec. 1997 The Mayor of a major city read an Islamic poem in a public speech. In 1999 he was found guilty and gaoled for four months for ‘Inciting HATRED (Hate Speech) based on […]
This story echoes my own personal thoughts on the Hajib wearing displays. Well intentioned, but the wrong message. Martin Harris A women’s rights activist in Iran says her heart broke when she saw New Zealanders wearing the hijab in an attempt at solidarity following the Christchurch mosque attacks. NZ Herald, […]
“Historians like to tell the story of back when all the computers were linked together to become a super computer that knows everything. They had a big ceremony where they turned on the computer and asked it a question no one has ever answered adequately. They turned the switch on […]
A well presented guide to the PC lunacy that is eroding our freedoms. Educate yourselves people: Knowledge is power! Does Free Speech Offend You? PragerU Published on Aug 31, 2015 Should offensive speech be banned? Where should we, as a society, draw the line where permitted speech is on one […]
Besides the main thrust of the story (the running man) there is something to highlight here that ties in with the headline-grabbing events here in Christchurch, NZ. Doesn’t take a genius to figure this out: It is unclear what happened after he broke through security barriers and ran towards King […]
Thomas Jefferson once wrote that truth “has nothing to fear from” conflict. But the truth will not prevail in a world that prevents the conflict of ideas by suppressing speech. Little plans fast-track review of hate speech laws ..Hate speech has been used to punish and exclude people for hundreds […]
Good on these parents for standing up to this madness. Primary school children being subjected to minority group agendas under the pretext of “respect and tolerance”? More like a recruitment drive in my opinion. And thankfully we still live in a country where one can freely express an opinion. Even […]
As someone who doesn’t even own a cellular ‘phone and has never bothered with Social Media, I found this opinion piece from Garner interesting. Martin H OPINION: Social media is a twisted, evil little pest that controls our lives, dominates our world and I am struggling to see the good […]
Yup, vaccination is top of the MSM news again. But it’s just the tip of the iceberg. The United Nations New World Order is upon us. by Martin Harris 28/3/19 The scare was on before the horrific terror attack, and with Christchurch still coming to terms with the aftermath, the […]