The oft renewed ‘Flat Earth’ stupidity is derived from wrong interpretation of The 1569 Geradus Mercator Projection. The Loxodromic or Rhumb Lines Arc of Meridians of Longitude, essential to navigation. by G squared, 26/3/19 But then, if you weren’t dealing with US heards of non-educated, you could hardly pack a […]
Ardern has certainly made an impression. I’m not going to day too much about this. Pictures speak louder than words… ..but if I did say some words, they would be “Project Blue Beam”. Is Ardern the Maitreya? Martin Harris 23/3/19
Shame on you Whitcoulls! We can read Mein Kampf (yup it’s still available from Whitcoulls) But not “12 Rules For Life”? The following article from Stuff calls Jordan Peterson a “controversial Right wing author”. He is no such thing. He is a clinical psychologist who has ridden a wave of […]
A time for everything. A time for shock. A time for grief, a time to seek answers. by Martin Harris 19/3/19 A few days ago this author wrote a personal reactionary piece on the mosque shootings with a follow-up naming the victims whose lives were cut short. The author made […]
My gratitude to Ben Shapiro for covering this evil tragedy with common sense and sensitivity: A horrifying terrorist attack on Muslims in Christchurch shakes the world, President Trump runs into Republican resistance over his national emergency, and we check the mailbag! To watch the full show live, become a premium […]
What do you do when faced with such evil? We awoke this morning, 16th March 2019, to a sound that brought back memories of eight years ago. The throb of low-flying helicopters circling a devastated city. Eight years ago, the trauma was clearly visible: The earth itself torn and buckled […]
Woe unto ye O Christchurch! There is an epidemic afoot: A rampant outbreak of The Measles. A total of 28, yes, 28 souls have the Measles. A couple of days back there were 28 confirmed cases and today there are still 28 cases, despite TVNZ’s claim today that the figure […]
Mueller and his crew of rabid Dem dysfunctionals are packing their crap, clearing offices and moving out. Game over. After some two years, over $100 million WASTED (his financial reports are amateur accounting deceptions, as you would expect from such a circus; NOTHING has been found tying Trump to any […]
There’s a reason Winston Peters has been a mainstay of NZ politics for so long: A good old Kiwi bloke who calls a spade a spade, as his straight-talk over former NZ soldier turned ISIS Jihadi, Mark Williams, indicates. Here’s the NZ Herald wih more: Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters […]
Remember that grim scene from The Matrix, where the “dead battery” humans are liquefied and fed back to the living? In certain US States the “liquid funeral” has been in place for a while, but now it is creeping in to locations around the world. And that includes here in […]